
duminică, 12 august 2012

Knitted and Crocheted Hat in Two Colors - Caciula crosetata si tricotata din doua culori

Caciula crosetata si tricotata din doua culori 

 Worked in the round. = Se lucreaza rotund

Crochet tips: Replace the first dc/sc of every row with ch 3/1. Every row ends with 1 sl st in the ch 3/1 at start of previous row. (Sfaturi: Incepem totdeauna randul cu ch3 si incheiem randul cu piciorus alunecat sau orb in ch3 adica unim primul si ultimul ochi din rand printr-un  piciorus orb) 

 Decreasing tips: Crochet together 2 dc as follows: Crochet 1 dc, but do not pull last loop through (leave on hook), crochet the next dc and pull the last loop through all loops on hook. (Sfaturi privind scaderea ochiurilor:crosetam 2 dc impreuna, rezulata un singur dc

 Hat: Ch 4 with larger hook  and join into a ring with 1 sl st in 1st ch. 
 Round 1: 13 dc in ring.
 Round 2: 2 dc in each dc = 26 dc.
 Round 3: * 1 dc in first dc, 2 dc in the next dc *, repeat * - * around row = 39 dc.
 Round 4: 1 dc in each dc = 39 dc.
 Round 5: * 1 dc in each of the 2 first dc, 2 dc in the next dc *, repeat * - * around row = 52 dc.
 Round 6: 1 dc in each dc but inc 3 dc evenly distributed on the row (by crocheting 2 dc in 1 dc) = 55 dc.
 Round 7: * 3 dc, then crochet together the 4th and 5th dc *, repeat * - * = 44 dc.
 Round 8: Change to smaller hook .. Crochet 4 rows sc, decreasing to 40 sc evenly distributed on the 1st row (dec 1 sc by skipping over 1 dc from previous row).

dc= double crochet= piciorus mare dublu
sl st= sleep stitch= piciorus orb sau alunecat
ch= chain= ochi de lant
sc= single crochet = piciorus mic

Headband (Banda din jurul caciulii)
- yarn angora 80%;
- needle 6 mm and crochet hook 4 mm.
- stitch marker
To begin, knit a band of about 14 cm wider. Its length is equal to plus 2 cm head circumference

Pentru inceput, tricotam  o bentita mai lata , de aproximativ  14 cm.

Lungimea ei este egala cu circumferinta capului plus 2 cm.  
With 6 mm needle,  CO=32 sts;
Row 1 (WS): *purl 16 sts; rep from *
Row 2 (RS): *knit 16 sts; rep from *
Row 3: *purl 16 sts; rep from *
Row 4: *knit 8, c8b; rep from *
Row 5: *purl 16 sts; rep from *
Row 6: *knit 16 sts; rep from *
Row 7: *purl 16 sts; rep from *
Row 8: *c8f, knit 8; rep from *
Repeat rows 1-8 for Dual Cable pat st

WS= Wrong Side =spatele lucrului
RS= Right Side= fata lucrului
k= knit= ochi pe fata
p= purl = ochi pe dos
c8b= cable 8 back= luam 4 ochiuri nelucrate si le punem pe un stitch marker, in spatele lucrului, lucram urmatoarele 4 ochiuri pe fata , apoi, luam ochiurile aflate pe stitch marker si le lucram tot cu ochiurile pe fata.
c8f= cable 8 face -  luam 4 ochiuri nelucrate si le punem pe un stitch marker, in fata lucrului, lucram urmatoarele 4 ochiuri pe fata , apoi, luam ochiurile aflate pe stitch marker si le lucram tot cu ochiurile pe fata.