
sâmbătă, 8 decembrie 2012

vineri, 7 decembrie 2012

Botosei adulti tricotati , BOOTIES ADULT “NADIA”

How To Knit Adult Slippers

Written in American knit terms
Difficulty : intermediate
Size : Directions are for size Medium (Women’s 7½-9 or Men’s 6-8) and Large (Women’s 9½-12 or Men’s 8½-11) are in parentheses.
- wool superwash 85% , 15% polyamid (50 gr=190ml),
Two contrasting colors. MC= 100 gr, CC= 50 gr
- double pointed needles 2,5 mm,
- stitch holders.
- Tapestry needle.

- MC= Main Color;
- CC= Contrasting Color;
- K= knit
- P= purl
- W&T= Wrap and Turn
- Garter Stitch= in the flat, garter stitch is produced by knitting every stitch.
- RS= right side.
- sl 1 wyif = slipping stitches knitwise with yarn in front =slip one with yarn in front
- sl1 wyib = slipping stitches purlwise with yarn in back = slip one with yarn in back.


With the thread placed in two, CO 21(27) sts.
Row 1-8: With MC, knit in garter stitch.
For size 39-40, repeat rows 1-8 .
Row 9 (RS): With MC, k3, Join CC, and k3, * sl1 wyib, then k3*, repeat between * twice (remain on needle 3 (9) sts not worked), turn W&T, * with CC k3, sl1wyif *, repeat between * twice, k3 , with MC, 3 k.
Row 10 (RS): with MC, k4, * sl1wyib, k3 *, repeat between * twice, sl1wyib, k4 (10), turn (WS), with MC k4 (10), * sl1wyif, k3 *, repeat between * twice, sl1wyif, k4.
Row 11 (RS): with MC, k3, * with CC k3, sl1wyib *, repeat between * twice, k3 (remain on needle 3 (9) sts not worked), turn W&T, with CC k3, * sl1wyif, k3 *, repeat between * twice, MC k3.
Rows 12- 20: with MC (work in garter st.), k to end rows.
Repeat rows 9-20 twice.
*Next row (RS): with MC, k11, with CC k8 (remain on needle 2 (9) sts), turn W&T, with CC k8, with MC k11 sts .
Next row (RS): with MC, k9, with CC k8 (remain on needle 2 sts CC, 2 (8) sts MC), turn W&T, CC k8, MC k9, turn.
Next row (RS): with MC, k7, CC- k8, turn W&T,(remain on needle, 4 sts CC, 2 (8) sts MC), CC k8, MC k7, turn.
Next row (RS): with MC, k5, CC k8, turn W&T (remain on needle, k6 CC, 2 (8) sts MP), CC k8, MC k5, turn.
Next row (RS): with MC, k3, CC k8, turn W&T (remain on needle, k8 CC, 2 (8) ochiuri MC), CC k8, MC k3, turn.
Next row (RS): with MC, k21 (27), turn, k21 (27).
Next row (RS): with MC, k3, CC k8, turn W&T (remain on needle, 10 (16) sts MC), CC k8, MC k3, turn.
Next row (RS): with MC, k5, CC k8, turn W&T (remain on needle, k8 (14) sts MC), CC k8, MC k5, turn.
Next row (RS): with MC, k7, CC k8, turn W&T (remain on needle 6 (12) sts MC), CC k8, MC k7, turn.
Next row (RS): with MC, k9, CC k8, turn W&T (remain on needle, 4 (10) sts MC), CC k8, MC k9, turn.
Next row (RS): with MC, k11, CC k8, turn W&T (remain on needle, 2 (8) sts MC), CC k8, MC k11, turn.
Next row (RS): with MC, k21(27), turn, k21(27).*
Repeat between * twice.
Next 8 rows: with MC, k in garter stitch.
* Next row (RS): with MC, k3, CC, k3, * sl1wyib, k3 *, repeat between * twice (remain on needle 3 (9) sts), turn W&T, * CC k3, sl1wyif *, repeat between * twice, k3, with MC k3.
Next row (RS): with MC, k4, * sl1wyib, k3 *, repeat between * twice, sl1wyib, k4 (10), turn (WS), MC k4 (10), * sl1wyif, k3 *, repeat between * twice, sl1wyif, k4.
Next row (RS): with MC, k3 , *CC k3, sl1wyib *, repet between * twice, k3 (remain on needle 3 (9) sts), turn W&T, with CC k3, * sl1wyif, k3 *, repeat between * twice, MC k3.
Next 8 rows: with MC, k.*
Repeat between * twice .
With a needle we finish the slippers.

Happy Knitting!

joi, 6 decembrie 2012

Om de zapada tricotat (snowman)

Experience level: beginner
Finished Measurement     -
Approximately  11 inches high,  including  hat.
The size of the finished Snowman varies with the yarn and tension.
-          Yarn acrylic: white, red and green;
-          Needle 2 mm;
-          Crochet hook- 2 mm;

Body and Head:
CO 18 sts.
Row 1 (RS):( k1, M1) in each st across. (38sts)
Row  2 and all WS rows : Purl
Row  3:Repeat R1 (78 sts)
Row  5-34 Work in St st.
Row  35:*k2, k2tog*, repeat between * (58 sts)
Row  37:*k1, k2tog*, repeat between * (38 sts)
Row  39-60: Work in St st.
Row  61 : B&T tightly

Row 61:*k2, M1*, repeat between * (51 sts);
Row 63 :*k2, M1*, repeat between * (68 sts);
Row 53-83:k;
Row 85: * k2,k2tog*, repeat between * (51 sts);
Row 87: *k1, k2tog*, repeat between * (38 sts);
Row 88: p.
Cut yarn.
CO 8 sts
Knit 4 rows in st st. Begin with k
Next row: k1, M1, K6, M1, K1.
ALL WS ROWS:  purl
Next row: k1, M1, K8, M1, K1
Next row: k1, M1, K10, M1, K1(14 sts)
Next 16 rows , work in st st.
With black, embroider eyes and buttons .
With red, embroider mouth.
With orange yarn  and  hook ,  2mm:
- crochet   ch 6, turn ,   hdc 2,  sc1,  slst 2, turn,  slst 2, sc1,  hdc 2.
Fasten off.
With red, CO 76 sts.
Rows 1-10:Work in k2, p2 ribbing
Rows 11-32: Beg with a knit row, work even in St st (Stockinette Stitch).
Rows 33 (RS):*k2, k2tog *, repet between * across.(35 sts)
Rows 34:Purl.
Rows 35:*k1, k2tog*, repeat between* across. (24 sts)
Rows 36: Purl
B&T tightly.
Join the row ends, the turn right side out.
Make a small Pom – Pom.
With green CO  14sts
Row1: k1, *p1, k1*, rep from * across.
Repet row 1 more times (21 times).

Modele caciuli crosetate

Materiale utilizate:
-          un fir din lana  (la 100 gr – 350 m)- 100 gr.
-           croseta nr.3,5 mm;
-          1 ac de cusut ;
-          markere.
Puncte folosite:
-          ochi de lant (ch);
-          piciorus orb sau alunecat (sl st);
-          piciorus mic (sc);
-          piciorus mare redus (hdc);

Inlocuiti primul piciorus mare dublu al fiecarui rand cu 3 ochiuri de lant si sfarsitul randului cu un piciorus orb sau alunecat care sa uneasca primul ochi de ultimul. Se lucreaza rotund.
Circumferinţa căciuliţei este de 50 cm, iar înălţimea este de 14-15 cm.

Cu o croseta nr.3,5 mm, vom incepe caciula de sus, din crestetul capului, dupa urmatoarea schema:

Fig.1. schema caciula adulti

Croşetam 4 ochiuri de lanţ, care se unesc într-un cerc cu ajutorul unui picioruş scurt;
In cercul format croşetam 12 -16 picioruşe mari reduse , in functie de marimea capului;

Modelul 2

Se lucreaza dupa schema din Modelul 1 si  dupa modelul " Half Double Crochet Tutorial #5: HDC In The Back Loop Only "

Dupa ce incheiem caciula, cu un fir contrastant tot din varful capului, in spirala crosetam dupa modelul " Single Crochet Tutorial #6: Single Crochet In The Front Loop Only".

Modelul 3

Se lucreaza rotund, fara sa unim primul si ultimul ochi.

Cu o croseta nr.3, incepem caciula din varful capului.

5 ochiuri de lant, unim primul si ultimul ochi printr-un sl st
R1: in cercul format crosetam  (1 sc si 2 dc)x 6 (se formeaza 6 petale) , apoi,
R2: introducem croseta in dc din mijlocul primei petale si crosetam 1 sc,si 2 dc, apoi ,*sarim 1 oc si tot in  dc  din mijlocul celei de a doua petale,crosetam  1 sc si 2 dc* , repetam pana la sf

vineri, 12 octombrie 2012

Simboluri, abrevieri crochet

Abrevieri din limba engleza

BP = Back Post
ch = chain
chs = chains
cl = cluster
dec = decrease
dtr = double treble crochet
FO = finished object
FP = front post
g = gram
half dc = half double crochet
hdc = half double crochet
inc = increase
incl = include / including / inclusive
m = meter; also mesh
p = picot
pat = pattern
pc = popcorn
rep = repeat
rnd = round
rnds = rounds
sk = skip
sp = space
sps = spaces
st = stitch
sts = stitches
tog = together
tr tr = triple treble crochet
UFO = unfinished object
YO = yarn over
= The pattern will specify how many times to repeat a series of instructions following an asterisk, or between asterisks.
( ) = The pattern will specify how may times to repeat a series of instructions that are given inside the parentheses.
[ ] = The pattern will specify how many times to repeat a series of instructions that are given inside the brackets.
 = inches

vineri, 21 septembrie 2012

Pulover tricotat

Nivelul de dificultate: intermediar;

Masura: 40 ;
- fire de lana 100%  (700 de grame) si un fir de culoare contrastanta (50 grame);
- andrele circulare nr.3,5;
- markere;
- croseta nr.3 (pentru nasturi);
- 4 nasturi;

Incepem sa tricotam de sus in jos, dupa procedeul raglan.
Montam 107 ochiuri (in functie de cat de mare dorim sa realizam decolteul) si lucram toate randurile numai pe fata (total 12 randuri).
Intre timp,  impartim lucrul astfel :

a) Spatele va avea 33% din totalul de ochiuri, deci 107 X 0.33= 35,31 ochiuri (rotunjim la 36 ochiuri)
b) Umerii vor avea fiecare cate 25% din lungimea spatelui deci 36 X0.25=9 ochiuri
c) Fata va avea restul adica din circumf totala (107) scadem umerii si spatele : 107-(2X9)-36=53 ochiuri. Observam ca fata e mai mare decta spatele.

Rascroiala gatului

Pentru ca jaketa sa aiba acel mic decolteu, trebuie sa facem rascroiala gatului . Aceasta se realizeaza in felul urmator:

Fata se imparte in trei portiuni :
- fata dreapta -primeste 25% din totalul fetei deci 53X0.25=13,25 (rotunjit 14 ochiuri)

- fata stanga=fata dreapta =14 ochiuri
- centrul-primeste restul adica : total fata minus fetele st si dr.:53-(2X14)=25 ochiuri ;

 4) Montarea ochiurilor

Ochiurile se monteaza doar pe portiunile din spate si umeri separate prin marcatori.

Portiunea din fata se adauga treptat, crescand la sfarsitul fiecarui rand pana toate ochiurile fetei drepte si fetei stangi au fost adaugate, dupa care, se monteaza ochiurile din centru, toate deodata.

Deci la montare vom pune :
- ochiurile pentru spate +2 ochiuri marcatori adica 36+2=38 ochiuri;
- ochiurile pentru cei doi umeri + cate 2 ochi marcatoare, adica 9+2 si inca 9+2 =22 ochiuri;
- 2 ochiuri de margine;
In total vom avea de montat 38+22+2=62 ochiuri
Pentru formarea manecilor vom folosi marcatori pentru a sti unde trebuie sa inmultim .

Cresterile de mai sus vor continua pana vom ajunge la subrat cand vom separa manecile de restul pulovarului,  pe care le vom tricota separat.

Continuam sa tricotam spatele si fata impreuna pana ajungem la masura dorita.

Manecile se tricoteaza separat, scazand la 4 randuri cate 1 ochi stanga si dreapta (al 2-lea si al 3-lea ochi de la inceput de rand, se  lucreaza impreuna). 

Continuam sa scadem pana ajungem la dimensiunea dorita.

La final , cu o croseta nr.3, pe marginile pulovarului, vom croseta punctul "Crab Stitch Reverse Single Crochet Edging Border". 
Butonierele , le facem dupa acest model:

Nasturi crosetati

Crosetam 2 ochiuri de lant pe care-i inchidem intr-un inel printr-un piciorus alunecat (slst).
Randul urmator: 1 ochi de lant, 8 picioruse mici (sc) in inelul format, printr-un piciorus alunecat (slst) unim primul si ultimul piciorus mic;
Randul urmator: 1 ochi de lant, 1 piciorus mic in slst, *piciorus mic in urmatorul ochi, 2 picioruse mici in urmatorul ochi*, repetam intre *, inchidem cercul , unind primul si ultimul ochi printr-un piciorus alunecat   (=12 picioruse mici);
Randul urmator: cate un piciorus mic in fiecare ochi de lant din randul anterior;
Randul urmator: 1 ochi de lant, cate 2 ochiuri scazute de 6 ori.
Scaderea ochiurilor se face astfel :

Randul urmator: Cu un ac strangem toate ochiurile . Taiem firul.

vineri, 14 septembrie 2012

sosete tricotate bebe produs nr.7

Pretul - 2 USD

Pentru copiii de 3 luni (6-12-18/24)luni .
   - un fir 80% lana si 20% polyamid 1 ghem de 50 g /180 m.
   - andrele cu varful dublu de 2.25mm.
   - markere.
Pretul este numai pentru instructiunile de executie ale sosetelor si nu pentru produsul finit.
Toate modelele mele sunt scrise in termeni americani, explicate in detaliu.
Puteti sa ma contactati daca aveti probleme cu acest model si veti primi explicatii si mai detaliate.
Nu puteti revinde explicatiile acestui model, decat ca produs finit.

This is a PATTERN for baby!
The price is not for the finished item but only for the pattern. Easy and quick to knit!
Sizes Infant’s size 3 (6-12-18/24) months. Instructions are given for smallest size.

joi, 13 septembrie 2012

palarie de soare crosetata cu flori

Pretul este numai pentru instructiunile de executie ale acestei palarii de soare si nu pentru produsul finit.
  - fire din in sau bumbac = cca 150 gr;
  - croseta  - 2 mm;
   - markere.
Marimea: 55-56
Toate modelele mele sunt scrise in termeni americani, explicate in detaliu.
Puteti sa ma contactati daca aveti probleme cu acest model si veti primi explicatii si mai detaliate.

Nu puteti revinde explicatiile acestui model, decat ca produs finit.

This is a PATTERN for woman!
The price is not for the finished item but only for the pattern.

Easy and quick to crochet it!

 Skill level: medium
 Size: 55-56 cm

  • 150 gr linen or cotton
  • hook 2 mm
  • marker

You can always contact me if you have any problems with the pattern.

There is no shipping charge for this item as it is a PDF file and will be sent out within 24 hours of payment. If you don't receive it within 24 hours, please, contact me.


Have any questions? Contact me.

duminică, 12 august 2012

Knitted and Crocheted Hat in Two Colors - Caciula crosetata si tricotata din doua culori

Caciula crosetata si tricotata din doua culori 

 Worked in the round. = Se lucreaza rotund

Crochet tips: Replace the first dc/sc of every row with ch 3/1. Every row ends with 1 sl st in the ch 3/1 at start of previous row. (Sfaturi: Incepem totdeauna randul cu ch3 si incheiem randul cu piciorus alunecat sau orb in ch3 adica unim primul si ultimul ochi din rand printr-un  piciorus orb) 

 Decreasing tips: Crochet together 2 dc as follows: Crochet 1 dc, but do not pull last loop through (leave on hook), crochet the next dc and pull the last loop through all loops on hook. (Sfaturi privind scaderea ochiurilor:crosetam 2 dc impreuna, rezulata un singur dc

 Hat: Ch 4 with larger hook  and join into a ring with 1 sl st in 1st ch. 
 Round 1: 13 dc in ring.
 Round 2: 2 dc in each dc = 26 dc.
 Round 3: * 1 dc in first dc, 2 dc in the next dc *, repeat * - * around row = 39 dc.
 Round 4: 1 dc in each dc = 39 dc.
 Round 5: * 1 dc in each of the 2 first dc, 2 dc in the next dc *, repeat * - * around row = 52 dc.
 Round 6: 1 dc in each dc but inc 3 dc evenly distributed on the row (by crocheting 2 dc in 1 dc) = 55 dc.
 Round 7: * 3 dc, then crochet together the 4th and 5th dc *, repeat * - * = 44 dc.
 Round 8: Change to smaller hook .. Crochet 4 rows sc, decreasing to 40 sc evenly distributed on the 1st row (dec 1 sc by skipping over 1 dc from previous row).

dc= double crochet= piciorus mare dublu
sl st= sleep stitch= piciorus orb sau alunecat
ch= chain= ochi de lant
sc= single crochet = piciorus mic

Headband (Banda din jurul caciulii)
- yarn angora 80%;
- needle 6 mm and crochet hook 4 mm.
- stitch marker
To begin, knit a band of about 14 cm wider. Its length is equal to plus 2 cm head circumference

Pentru inceput, tricotam  o bentita mai lata , de aproximativ  14 cm.

Lungimea ei este egala cu circumferinta capului plus 2 cm.  
With 6 mm needle,  CO=32 sts;
Row 1 (WS): *purl 16 sts; rep from *
Row 2 (RS): *knit 16 sts; rep from *
Row 3: *purl 16 sts; rep from *
Row 4: *knit 8, c8b; rep from *
Row 5: *purl 16 sts; rep from *
Row 6: *knit 16 sts; rep from *
Row 7: *purl 16 sts; rep from *
Row 8: *c8f, knit 8; rep from *
Repeat rows 1-8 for Dual Cable pat st

WS= Wrong Side =spatele lucrului
RS= Right Side= fata lucrului
k= knit= ochi pe fata
p= purl = ochi pe dos
c8b= cable 8 back= luam 4 ochiuri nelucrate si le punem pe un stitch marker, in spatele lucrului, lucram urmatoarele 4 ochiuri pe fata , apoi, luam ochiurile aflate pe stitch marker si le lucram tot cu ochiurile pe fata.
c8f= cable 8 face -  luam 4 ochiuri nelucrate si le punem pe un stitch marker, in fata lucrului, lucram urmatoarele 4 ochiuri pe fata , apoi, luam ochiurile aflate pe stitch marker si le lucram tot cu ochiurile pe fata.