
sâmbătă, 27 iunie 2015

Pulover  tricotat “Micki”

Size : L (XL)
-cashmere classic yarn (25 gr=50m)
needle-5 mm

K= knit
Knitting Increase: kf&b
knit stockinette stitch:
Row 1: Knit all stitches.
Row 2: Purl all stitches.
Repeat rows 1-2 until you have reached your desired length.
5/5 cm= 8 sts/12rows
16.0 sts = 4 inches
Cast on 7 sts.
Row 1 (RS): Knit to end.
Row 2 (WS): Knit to end.
Row 3 (RS): kf&b, k4, kf&b, k1. (9  sts)
Row 4 (WS): kf&b, k1, p4, k1, kf&b, k1. (11 sts)
Row 5 (RS): kf&b, k8, kf&b, k1. (13  sts)
Row 6 (WS): kf&b,k1,  p8, k1, kf&b, k1. (15 sts)
Row 7 (RS): kf&b, k12, kf&b, k1. (17  sts)
Row 6 (WS): kf&b,k1,  p12, k1, kf&b, k1. (19 sts)

Repeat Rows 3–4 until you have 102 (106) sts , ending with Row 4.
Then , knit stockinette stitch, 46 rows.
Row 1 (RS): CO 3 sts, k to end, CO 3 sts.
Row 2 (WS): purl to end.
Row 3 (RS): CO 2 sts, k to end, CO 2 sts.
Row 4 (WS): purl to end.
Row 5 (RS): CO 52 sts, k to end, CO 52 sts.
Row 6 (WS): purl to end.
Then , knit stockinette stitch, 30 rows.
Next row:  decrease 6 sts, k to end.
Next row:  decrease 6 sts, p to end.
Then, decrease in the same way , 5 sts, 4 sts, 3 sts x 6 times, 2 sts, 

Pulover tricotat
Marimea : L, XL
K= ochi tricotat pe fata
p= ochi tricotat pe dos
kf&b= in acelasi ochi tricotam 2  ochiuri
knit stockinette stitch= punctul lenes
k=tricotam toate ochiurile pe fata.
p= tricotam toate ochiurile pe dos.
RS= fata lucrului
WS= spatele lucrului

Incepem tricotatul de la mijloc, spate, jos (sold)
Montam pe ac 7 ochiuri.
Randul 1 (RS): K.
Randul 2 (WS): K
Randul 3 (RS): kf&b, k4, kf&b, k1. (9  sts)
Randul 4 (WS): kf&b, k1, p4, k1, kf&b, k1. (11 sts)
Randul 5 (RS): kf&b, k8, kf&b, k1. (13  sts)
Randul 6 (WS): kf&b,k1,  p8, k1, kf&b, k1. (15 sts)
Randul 7 (RS): kf&b, k12, kf&b, k1. (17  sts)
Randul 6 (WS): kf&b,k1,  p12, k1, kf&b, k1. (19 sts)

Repetam randurile 3–4 pana cand vom avea 102 (106) ochiuri, incheiem cu randul 4.
Apoi, tricotam punctul lenes, 46 randuri.
Randul 1 (RS): adaugam 3 ochiuri, k, adaugam la sfarsitul randului inca 3 ochiuri.
Randul 2 (WS): p.
Randul 3 (RS): adaugam 2 ochiuri, k, adaugam la sfarsitul randului 2 ochiuri.
Randul 4 (WS): p.
Randul urmator (RS):k pana la sfarsitul randului,  adaugam pe ac 52 ochiuri, 
Randul urmator (WS): p cele 52 ochiuri , p celelalte ochiuri pana la sfarsitul randului , adaugam pe ac inca 52 ochiuri.
Apoi, tricotam punctul lenes 30 randuri.
Pentru a finaliza manecile, scadem ochiurile din stanga si dreapta acului, treptat, realizand in acest fel umarul puloverului.
Scaderea ochiurilor se face prin lasarea pe ac, nelucrate, a ochiurilor pe care dorim sa le scadem.

Randul urmator:  scadem 6 ochiuri, k pana la sfarsitul randului.
Randul urmator: scadem 6 ochiuri, p pana la sfarsitul randului.

Apoi, scadem in acelasi mod,  5 ochiuri, 4 ochiuri  3 ochiuri x 6 ori, 2 ochiuri.
Rascroiala decolteului
La mijlocul puloverului lasam 20 ochiuri nelucrate, apoi ,vom scadea stanga si dreapta cate 1 ochi  la 2 randuri, de 7 sau 8 ori , in functie de marimea decolteului dorit.

Apoi, se lucreaza in linie dreapta 12 randuri.

marți, 16 iunie 2015

Tricotam un catel - Knit a dog

Knit a dog by sweetliving 

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Amigurumi dogThis cute amigurumi puppy by Cilla Webb is fun to make, and comes complete with knitted outfit. See free pattern below.
Amigurumi FriendsIn her new book Amigurumi Friends, Cilla Webb has made 10 cute and cuddly knitted toys that both adults and kids will adore. Choose from Miss Sheep, Miss Fox, Miss Puss, Master Monkey, Master Woof (this pattern), Master Teddy, Master Wabbit, Miss Squirrel, Master Giraffe and Miss Mouse. Each toy comes with its own outfit – a superhero cape, mask and boots for Master Maurice Monkey; a pretty dress, shawl and shoes for Miss Marcia Mouse; and a karate outfit, black belt and training mat for Master Geoffrey Giraffe.
Each project requires intermediate-level knitting skills and uses knit, purl and basic sewing skills. Knitting techniques are included in the front of the book, with images to illustrate.
Extracted with permission from Amigurumi Friends by Cilla Webb, with photography by Sue Stubbs. Published by New Holland, RRP $29.99.

Master William Woof

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge
A knitted puppy is for life and is sure to be loved by his new owner. Master William Woof is rather laid back and enjoys lounging around in a nice warm cosy place with a cup of hot cocoa.
You will need
  • 1 x 50 g (2 oz) ball Wendy Merino DK, Spice (DK, 100 per cent merino wool, 116 m per ball)
  • 1 x 50 g (2 oz) ball Wendy Merino DK, Crepe (DK, 100 per cent merino wool, 116 m per ball)
  • 25 g (1 oz) Wendy Merino DK, Wind Chime (DK, 100 per cent merino wool, 116 m per ball)
  • 25g (1 oz) Wendy Merino DK, Periwinkle (DK, 100 per cent merino wool, 116 m per ball)
  • 25g (1 oz) Wendy Merino DK, Pacific (DK, 100 per cent merino wool, 116 m per ball)
  • Small amount of Jet and Birch for the facial features
  • 3.5 mm (US 4) knitting needles
  • 4 small buttons
  • Wool needle
  • Toy stuffing
  • Crochet hook
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge
(Make 2, worked from sole up.)
With Crepe, cast on 22 sts.
Row 1 and all odd rows: Purl.
Row 2: K1, [kfb] 20 times, k1. 42 sts
Rows 3–17: Work in st st for 15 rows.
Row 18: K7, [k2tog] 14 times, k7. 28 sts
Row 20: K7, [k2tog] 7 times, k7. 21 sts
Rows 21–49: Change to Spice and work in st st for 29 rows.
Row 50: K4, [k2tog] twice, k5, [k2tog] twice, k4. 17 sts
Cast off loosely. Sew up the bottom of the foot first and continue along the back edge, leaving the cast-off edge open. Stuff firmly.
(Make 2.)
Starting from the top of the arms cast on 8 sts in Spice.
Row 1: Kfb, k to the end. 9 sts
Row 2: Pfb, p to the end. 10 sts
Rows 3–4: Repeat rows 1 and 2. 12 sts
Rows 5–6: Cast on 2 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows. 16 sts
Rows 7–26: St st 20 rows.
Row 27: Change to Crepe and k1, [kfb, k1] 7 times, k1. 23 sts.
Row 28: Purl.
Row 29: K1, [k1, kfb, k1] 7 times, k1. 30 sts
Rows 30–34: St st 5 rows.
Finger 1
Row 35: Cast off 3 sts, k10 and turn. Continue to work on these 10 sts, leaving the other 15 sts waiting.
Rows 36–38: St st 3 rows.
Row 39: *K2tog; rep from * to end. 5 sts
Break yarn, thread yarn end through rem sts and fasten off.
Finger 2
Row 35: Cast on 3 sts, pick up the next 4 sts from needle and turn.
Row 36: Cast on 3 sts and work to end.
Rows 37–38: St st 2 rows.
Row 39: *K2tog; rep from * to end.
Finger 3
Pick up the next 10 sts on needle and repeat Finger 1.
Join yarn to the last 3 sts and cast off.
Sew along the inside of all 3 fingers, then join the base of the second finger to the cast-off edge. Sew along the side of the arm, stuff and attach to the body.
Starting at neck, cast on 16 sts using Spice.
Rows 1–2: Work in st st for 2 rows.
Row 3: K1, [kfb] 14 times, k1. 30 sts
Rows 4–8: Work in st st for 5 rows.
Row 9: K1, [kfb] 28 times, k1. 58 sts
Rows 10–36: Work in st st for 27 rows.
Row 37: K1, [k2tog] 28 times, k1. 30 sts
Rows 38–42: Work in st st for 5 rows.
Row 43: K1, [k2tog] 14 times, k1. 16 sts
Break yarn and draw yarn end through rem sts, pull tight and fasten. Sew up along the side edge using mattress st and stuff when three-quarters full. Continue to the cast-on edge, then draw the yarn through the cast-on edge and pull tight. Fasten and secure any loose threads.
With Spice, cast on 15 sts.
Rows 1–2: St st 2 rows.
Row 3: K1, [kfb] 13 times, k1. 28 sts
Row 4 and all even rows: Purl.
Row 5: K1, [kfb, k1] 13 times, k1. 41 sts
Rows 6–8: Work in st st for 3 rows.
Row 9: K1, [k1, kfb, k1] 13 times, k1. 54 sts
Rows 10–14: Work in st st for 5 rows.
Row 15: K1, [k1, kfb, k2] 13 times, k1. 67 sts
Rows 16–30: Work in st st for 15 rows.
Row 31: K10 [k2tog] 6 times, k21, [k2tog] 7 times, k10. 54 sts
Rows 32–36: St st 5 rows.
Row 37: K5, [k2tog] 9 times, k8, [k2tog] 9 times, k5. 36 sts
Row 38: Change to Crepe and purl.
Row 39: K5, [k1, kfb] 5 times, k8, [k1, kfb] 4 times, k5. 45 sts
Rows 40–42: St st 3 rows.
Row 43: K5, [k1, kfb, k1] 5 times, k8, [k1, kfb, k1] 4 times, k5. 54 sts
Row 45: K5, [k1, k2tog, k1] 5 times, k8, [k1, k2tog, k1] 4 times, k5. 45 sts
Row 47: K5, [k1, k2tog] 5 times, k8, [k1, k2tog] 4 times, k5. 36 sts
Row 49: K5, [k2tog] 5 times, k8, [k2tog] 4 times, k5. 27 sts
Row 51: K1, [k2tog] 13 times. 14 sts
Cast off.
Fold both ends of the cast-off edge to the middle and sew together. Use mattress stitch to sew up the remaining part of the head all the way to the cast-on edge. Stuff and leave the gap open to add facial features.
(Make 2.)
Cast on 12 sts in Crepe.
Row 1: K1, [kfb] 10 times, k1. 22 sts
Rows 2–4: St st 3 rows, using p for even rows and k for odd rows.
Row 5: [K1, kfb, k7, kfb, k1] twice. 26 sts
Rows 6–8: St st 3 rows as before.
Row 9: [K1, kfb, k9, kfb, k1] twice. 30 sts
Rows 10–36: St st 27 rows.
Row 37: [K1, k2tog, k9, k2tog, k1] twice. 26 sts
Row 38: Purl.
Row 39: [K1, k2tog, k7, k2tog, k1] twice. 22 sts
Row 40: Purl.
Row 41: [K1, k2tog, k5, k2tog, k1] twice. 18 sts
Row 42: Purl.
Cast off and sew along the side edge. Attach to the side of the head
Eye patch
Cast on 32 sts in Crepe.
Row 1 and 3: Purl.
Row 2: [K1, k2tog, k1] 8 times. 24 sts
Row 4: [K1, k2tog] 8 times. 16 sts
Row 5: [P2tog] 8 times. 8 sts
Row 6: [K2tog] 4 times. 4 sts
Break yarn and thread yarn end through rem. sts. Join in a round and attach to the head, just above the colour change.
Cast on 24 sts in black.
Rows 1–2: St st 2 rows.
Row 3: K2tog, k8, [k2tog] twice, k8, k2tog. 20 sts
Row 4: P2tog, p6, [p2tog] twice, p6, p2tog. 16 sts
Row 5: [K2tog] 8 times. 8 sts
Break yarn and thread yarn end through the rem sts. Sew up along the side, stuff and attach to the front of the head. Using the remaining yarn and sew a lopsided semi-circle in back stitch for the smirk.
(Make 2.)
With Birch, cast on 5 sts.
Rows 1 and 3: Knit.
Rows 2 and 4: Purl.
Row 5: K2tog, k1, k2tog. 3 sts
Cast off. Embroider a pupil using black yarn or chain 6 sts and join in a round. Attach to the centre of the eye, then fasten the eyes on each side of the head, positioning one eye to the bottom part of the patch and a second spaced evenly above the snout.
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge
(Make 2.)
With Wind Chime, cast on 24 sts.
Row 1 and all odd rows: Purl.
Row 2: K1, [kfb] 22 times, k1. 46 sts
Rows 3–17: Work in st st for 15 rows.
Row 18: K8, [k2tog] 15 times, k8. 31 sts
Cast off and sew along the heel and side.
Boot cuffs
With Wind Chime, cast on 15 sts.
Rows 1–50: Work in k1, p1 rib st for 50 rows, beg with a k row.
Row 51: K1, p1, k1, skpsso, yo, continue in rib stitch until the last 5 sts, yo, skpsso, k1, p1, k1. 15 sts
Rows 52–55: Continue in rib for 4 rows.
Cast off. Wrap around top of the boot and sew in place. Sew two buttons on the side, level with the eyelets.
With Periwinkle, cast on 24 sts.
Row 1: [Kfb, k1] 12 times. 36 sts
Rows 2–4: St st 3 rows, beg with a purl row.
Row 5: [K1, kfb, k1] 12 times. 48 sts
Rows 6–18: St st 13 rows.
Break yarn and place rem sts on a holder. Knit another trouser leg. 96 sts
Row 19: K across sts then k across sts on holding needle.
Rows 20–40: St st 21 rows.
Row 41: K1, [k1, k2tog, k2] 19 times. 77 sts
Row 43: K1, [k1, k2tog, k1] 19 times. 58 sts
Cast off. Sew along the back of the trousers and sew up each leg.
Back panel
Starting from the rib, cast on 32 sts in Pacific.
Rows 1–4: Work 4 rows in k2, p2 rib, beg first row with k1 and ending row with p1. Keep remaining rib as set.
Rows 5–24: St st 20 rows, beg with a k row.
Rows 25–28: Cast off 3 sts at the beginning of the next 4 rows. 20 sts
Rows 29–30: St st 2 rows.
Row 31: K5, cast off 10 sts, k5. 10 sts
Rows 32–34: Working on the first 5 sts: St st 3 rows.
Cast off.
Repeat for the other 5 sts.
Front panel
Starting from the rib, cast on 32 sts in Pacific.
Rows 1–4: Work 4 rows in k2, p2 rib, beg first row with k1 and ending row with p1. Keep remaining rib as set.
Row 5–24: St st 20 rows beg with a purl row.
Row 25: Cast off 3 sts, k9 (leaving 10 sts on needle), cast off 6 sts, k to end. 13 sts
Row 26: Cast off 3 sts, p to end. 10 sts
Row 27: K2tog, k to end. 9 sts
Rows 28–29: Repeat row 26–27. 5 sts
Rows 30–34: St st 5 rows.
Cast off.
Rejoin yarn to the 10 sts on needle and work as follows:
Row 26: P2tog, p to end. 9 sts
Row 27: Cast off 3 sts, k to end. 6 sts
Row 28: As row 26. 5 sts
Rows 29–34: St st 6 rows.
Cast off. Sew the shoulder and side seams, leaving a gap to attach the arms.
(Make 2.)
Cast on 24 sts in Pacific.
Rows 1–4: Work 4 rows in k2, p2 rib, beg first row with k1 and ending row with p1. Keep remaining rib as set.
Rows 5–24: St st 20 rows.
Rows 25–30: Cast off 3 sts at the beginning of next 6 rows. 6 sts
Cast off.
Sew the sides of the sleeves together then attach to the jumper.
Cast on 50 sts in Pacific.
Rows 1–8: Work 8 rows in k2, p2 rib.
Cast off and sew the side edge to the 6 cast-off sts on the front panel, then attach the cast-on edge to the rest of the neckline. Attach the other side edge to the front of the panel again.
Cast on 64 sts in Wind Chime.
Rows 1–8: Work 8 rows in k2, p2 rib, beg first row with k1 and ending row with p1. Keep remaining rib as set.
Rows 9–38: St st 30 rows, beg with a k row.
Row 39: K2, [k4, k2tog, k4] 6 times, k2. 58 sts
Row 40 and all even rows: Purl.
Row 41: K2, [k3, k2tog, k4] 6 times, k2. 52 sts
Row 43: K2, [k3, k2tog, k3] 6 times, k2. 46 sts
Row 45: K2, [k2, k2tog, k3] 6 times, k2. 40 sts
Row 47: K2, [k2, k2tog, k2] 6 times, k2. 34 sts
Row 49: K2, [k1, k2tog, k2] 6 times, k2. 28 sts
Row 51: K2, [k1, k2tog, k1] 6 times, k2. 22 sts
Row 53: K2, [k2tog, k1] 6 times, k2. 16 sts
Row 55: [K2tog] 8 times. 8 sts
Break off yarn and thread yarn end through remaining sts.
Fasten tightly and sew along the side edge

duminică, 14 iunie 2015

miercuri, 10 iunie 2015


sizes 3-6-12-18-24 months
3 to 5 balls of Phil Coton 3 color Ciel
1 ball Phil coton white
needlees 2mm and 3mm
stripes 2 rows white10 rows color ciel (12-14-12-14)” repeat ,end   with 2 rows white and finish with color sky.
Cast on  68 (72-78-82-88-)sts   n 2 needles  and     sky colour,and work in garter st for 2 cm
continue   in stockinette st   needle 3 alternating colors
A 9.5 (11,5-13,5-14,5-15,5) after garter ,for the :
ARMHOLES bind off at both sides every 2 rows3 times 2 sts,2 times 1 st= 50sts (56-62-66-72).
A 20.5 cm (23,5-26.5-28.5-30,5) after garter for  shoulders bind off on  the sidesevery 2 rows:
3 times 4sts
3 times 5 sts
2 times 5 sts, 1 time 6 sts.
3 times 6 sts
AT THE SAME TIME for  NECK bind off 12 central sts(12-14-14-16) then continue to work both sides separately and decr  for  the neck:
  7 sts once(  8 st once   9 sts once –  10 sts once –  10 sts once )
cast on  40 (43-46-48-51) sts on needle 2 and work in garter st for 2 cm.
Continue with tneedles 3 and work as back  to 17.5 cm (20,5-22,5-24,5-26,5) after the  edge and form the neck on the right every 2 rows:
9 st once(  3 st once,3 times 2 sts, 1 s twice).
 V means time(once, twice,etc)
A 20.5 (23,5-26,5-28,5-30,5) cm after the edge work the left shoulder binding off  every 2 rows:
work  left front in the opposite direction and work 3 (3-3-4-4) bottonholes(bind 2 sts) to 6 sts of left edge, the first to 8 (10-8-10-8)rows to the edge  and next18 rows (21-24-19-22) one from the other.
cast on  44 sts (46-48-50-54-) needles  2   and work    2 cm. garter.
Continue with needles 3 and stripes
At the same time increases at  the sides at 2 sts from the edge :
every 8 rows 3 times  1 ,and   every 6th row 3 times 1 = 56 m increased
every 6 8 times 1 ncrease aum f = 62m
V means time:
every 8 f 2 v 1 aumand every 6 f 7 aum v 1 = 66 m
every 6 f 11 v 1 aum = 72 m
every 6 f 11 v 1 aum and after 4 f 1 v 1 aum= 78 m.
A 13.5 cm from the edge (15,5-18,5-20,5-21,5) for the top  close to the sidesevery 2 rows2m v 3, 2 ​​v 1m.
= 40 m (46-50-56-62).
A 16.5 cm after the edge (18,5-21,5-23,5-24,5)bind off..
make the second sleeve in the same way.
Cast on  81 m (86-94-99-104)needle 2   and work in garter stitch for 1.5 cm (7rrows = 3 lines, the fourth line will be reformed with the seam mesh to mesh)
and to do row  on the 5th slot of 2 to 4 m from the edge, finish with some rowsin a different color in stockinette stwhich will then be removed at the time of the seam (otherwise you shoot around the neckline after sewing the shoulders, the same I work garter stitch.
Do the various seams and sew the edge 
replicate these 3 m inwards and stop them in hidden spots from WS
sew on buttons overlaying the two in front of 3 cm
  3 to 4 balls phil cot 3
needles  2 and 3
6 buttons
cable needle
2 large automatic
decreases in apparent two-sts from the edge:
rightlav m 2 m to the right and then the two following together with the right
leftlav all sts until the last 4 un’accavallata dothen the last two lav m to the right
right lav 2 m to the rightdo un’accavallata
leftlav up to the last 4 sts, work 2 sts together with the right then the last 2m.
right– lav 2 m to the right, go 2 m from the underwire meso braids in frontwith the iron of the right to take along the first m of the wire braids and f m of theleft and lavorarlie together with dirittooo, take the second m of the wire braidsand f m of sin and work together with the right
work all sts minus 6slip 2 sts on bra braids put behind lav together with the first law of f m on the left and the first of the wire braids, then the second m ofiron left with the second of the wirethen lav the last 2 m to the right.
It starts from the bottom of a gambina
a-b-c-d-refer to the different measures.
begins the work with a little different and with some iron am shavedthen alaend of the job, you disferanno these wires with different and so we will take them back for free sts and work the edge to legaccio..un ​​bit cumbersomesystem as I wonder why it does not start right away with the edge in garter st..
With a thread of a different color, fit 36m (39-42-44-47) and if 3 lav some famshavedthen move on to the base color and continue in stockinette st lavincreasing to the right for the horse:
a) after 4 f 1v1mand after 2 rows: 1 v = 1m 38m
bafter 6 f, 1 v 1 me after 4 f 1 v 1 me after 4 1v1m f = 41m
c) after 8 f 1v1m and after 1v1m 6f = 44 m
d) dopo2 f 1v1m and after 10f 1v1m = 46m
e) after 16 and after 14 f f 1v1m 1v1m= 49m.
A 2 cm (4-5-8-11) leave stsmake the second gambina and put them togetheron the same iron (increases in the center) and still mounting 3 m at the center.
We have: 79 m (85-91-95-101)
Continue to lav m st with the f n 3.
A 12 cm (15-17-20-23) decrease at the sides, a 2 m from the edgesknit 1,then:
a) every 4th row 7 Dim v 1m, and every 2 rows 4 v 1 m = 55m
B) every 4 rows Dim v 9 and every 1m 2 f 2 v = 1m 61m
c) every 4 rows 11 v 1 m = 67m
d) every 4 rows 11 v 1 m = 71m
e) every 6 f 3 v 1m, and every 4 rows 8 v = 1m 77m
A 23 cm (27-30-34-38-) form the armholes by closing the sides 1 v 3m, then again two m from the edges decrease:
for the first 3 sizes: every 2 rows twice a double decreaseand 2 v 1 dimsimple.
for the fourth measurement:
every 2 rows 2 times a double dim 1 and dim plain and simple 4 rows afteranother dim
for the last measure:
every 2 f 2 v a dim room, 3 v 1 dim simpleand after 4 f, 1 dim simple.
remain 37m (43-49-53-55).
A 26 cm (31-34-39-44) continue in garter st with 2 ifn handing over the first 6-iron increases (5-6-7-8) = 43 m8 48-55-60-63).
A 2 cm of height p st, to form the neckline closing 25 (28-31-34-37) sts, then finish the 2 sides separately to form the risers.
A 7 cm (7-8-8-8-) of height m st, close 9 (10-12-13-13) sts remaining for each strap.
in front
We 79m (85-91-95-101): working as back up to 12 cm (15-17-20-23), 1mdecrease the sides within 2 m, thenonly for the last 3 measures do yet thesedecreases were:
c) dim after 1 m 4 f
d) every 4 rows Dim v 3 1m
e) every 6th row 3 v 1 m
remain 77m (83-87-87-93)
A 12.5cm (15,5-19-24-28,5), separating the work into three parts, and continuein this way:
leave pending the 35 m (41-47-51-53) of the left
Continue in stockinette st with 3 if the 21 m (20-18-20) m right by adding the following 1 x 7 m (8-10-11-11) = 28-29-30-29-31 m
AT THE SAME TIME to do right at 2 m from the edgeafter 2 rows decrease 1,then:
after 4 f 6 v 1 and dim every 4 v 1 2 f dim
ogni4 f 8 v 1 and dim every 2 f 2 v 1 dim
every 4 rows 9 v 1 dim
every 4 rows 7 v 1 dim for the last 2 measurements.
resteranno17m (18-20-21-23)
A 23 cm (27-30-34-38) cm form the neckline closing right 3m v 1 then right at 2m from the edge:
for the first 3 sizes:
every 2 f 2 v 1 and 2 v 1 double dim dim simple
Fourth misura.ogni 2 f 2 v 1 and 2 v 1 double dim dim simple
every fifth m-f 2 v 1 double dimdim simple 1 v 1 and v 1 1 4 rows after dimsimple
Sixth every m-f 2 v 1 dim double, 3 v 1 if dim after 4 f 1 v 1 dim s
are 8 m (9-11-12-12)
A 26 cm (31-34-39-44) if cont in garter st with 2 by 1 aum on the first row = 9m(10-12-13-13)
Install 7m (8-10-11-11) with resume and 3 if below the 21 (21-20-18-20) sts lefton hold before you leave = 28m (29-30-29-31)
work in reverse, following the explanation of the first part.
Fit 2 m with 3 and resume if below 35 (41-47-51-53) sts left on hold earlier and mount 2m = 39 (45-51-55-57) sts
Continue in stockinette st with straight 3 if forming 2 groups of 2 slotseach slotto 4 m from the edge, the first group to 6 irons (10-8-8-10) irons later, thesecond group at a distance from the first 22 rows of (24 rows for all other measures).
A 26 cm (31-34-39-44) cm garter st cont am with closing if 2 2 m at the sidesand making the first fero 8 increases (7-8-9-10) = 43 m (48-55-60- 63).
Forming the 5th iron group 1 of 2 slots of 2 links, each 2 m from the edge
A 2 cm d m close tie.
BORDER of the legs
Sew up the sides
Resume m of a gambina hand hand that undoes the iron of different color and bind the first and the last mst = 70m (76-82-86-92)
Lav am with garter 2 if handing over the first 14 iron decreases (14-14-12-12) =56m (62-68-74-80)
A 2.5 cm cast off.
to attack the central part of the front of the two side fold back 2 m inwards and sew the sides to the backhand hidden points.
Sew buttons even braces, but also put inside the machines (next to thebuttons) to support braces.
This was one of the most boring explanations that I  post…