
vineri, 24 noiembrie 2017


by Hanne Falkenberg

The Garment is worked from the top and down in circular knitting, no seams to finish.
Sizes: S (M) L (XL) – one kit for all three sizes.
Yarn used: Sofistica, made in Italy ~  60% Cotton, 40% Linen
Acest pulover se lucreaza de la gat in jos

luni, 13 noiembrie 2017

Pulover Baieti, Boy Sweater Knitting

Using DK yarn and 3 mm needles ~
This raglan sweater for babies is knit from the top down and is entirely seamless
Fits babies about 2 years.

24 sts and 36 rows = 4" with larger needles over pattern stitch

1 ball sportweight yarn such as Bernat Softee Baby
Size 3.25 mm straight needles (circular needles),(double points)
2 stitch holders
stitch markers
tapestry needle

Work Back and forth:

Row 1 (Right side): p1 * knit 1, purl 2; repeat from * to end.
Row 2: Knit 1, * slip 1 with yarn in front, knit 2; repeat from * to end.


K2tog= knit 2 stitches together; ridges=2 rows , k all stitches, 

Cast on 84 sts.
Beginning at collar, with straight needles CO 88 sts. 
Rows 1 : *k1, p1*; rep from * to end.
Rows 2 : *p1, k1; rep from * to end.
Repeat Rows 1 and 2 more times,

Next Row (RS): Rep Row 1, working a buttonhole in band at beginning of row for boys (k2, yo, k2tog, k1) or at end for girls (k1, k2tog, yo, k2). Work buttonholes every 12th ridge or 24 rows.

Next row (WS): Beginning Pattern and placing markers as follows: 
Work 14 sts for front, pm,1 st, pm, work 14 sts for sleeve, pm, 1 st, pm, work 28 sts for back, pm, 1 st, pm, work 14 sts for sleeve, pm, 1 st, pm, work last 14 sts for front.
Change to circular needles, working back and forth as if with straights. 
Begin yoke and raglan increases. Increase by knitting into the front and back of same stitch.

On the back of the work, we were working row 2 in the pattern without making increases between markers.

Next row (RS): Front, sl1, p1 * knit 1, purl 2*; repeat from * to marker, inc 1 st, marker, K 1, slip marker, inc 1 st; Sleeve: rep from * to marker, inc 1 st, marker, K 1, slip marker, inc 1 st,  Back : rep from * to marker, inc 1 st, marker, K 1, slip marker, inc 1 st; Sleeve rep from * to marker, inc 1 st, marker, K 1, slip marker, inc 1 st; Frontrep from * to end. (96 sts).

Rep last four rows for pattern stitch until you have 54 sts for each sleeve (20 ridges ), ending with WS completed-592 sts total.

Join body and put sleeves on holder.
(RS): *Work to within 2 sts of marker, inc in next st, K1, remove marker. Put 54 sts of sleeve on holder without working. CO 4 sts at underarm. Remove next marker, inc in next st; rep from * once and complete row - 136 sts
Work even, continuing in pattern stitch and repeating buttonholes at the proper interval. End with 3rd row of pattern stitch, 8 ridges below the 4th buttonhole.

Bottom Band
Change to smaller straight needles.
WS: K5, *p2, k2; rep from 8 to last 5 sts, k5
Continue in ribbing and working buttonbands as for collar, knitting 5th buttonhole at proper interval.
Work 4 rows after buttonhole, then BO loosely in pattern.
With larger double points, k 42 sts from holder and pick up 6 sts from underarm (the 4 CO sts, plus an extra st at each end of CO sts). Divide 15 sts on needle 1, 18 sts on needle 2, 15 sts on needle 3 - 48 sts
Begin at underarm, dec and join:
Rnd 1: K5, k2tog, k to the last st, K it together with the 1st stitch from the beginning of next round - 46 sts
Rnd 2: K
Rnd 3: K
Rnd 4: P
Rnd 5: K4, k2tog, k to the last st, K it together with the 1st stitch from the beginning of next round - 44 sts
Rnd 6: K
Rnd 7: K
Rnd 8: P
Rnd 9: K3, k2tog, k to the last st, K it together with the 1st stitch from the beginning of next round - 42 sts
Work even over 42 sts as established in pattern stitch until sleeve measures 4" or desired length. End with p rnd completed.
*K2tog, k5; rep from * around - 36 sts
Change to smaller double points and work in k2, p2 ribbing for one inch. BO loosely.
Rep for second sleeve.
Sew on buttons. Weave in ends on WS.