
vineri, 29 aprilie 2011

poseta crosetata

Aceasta poseta se realizeaza in punctul crocodil sau solzi de peste cu un fir subtire.
Am inceput sa crosetez circular. Mai intai am crosetat 255 ochiuri de lant pe care i-am inchis printr-un punct alunecat sau slst. In functie de marimea dorita, numarul de ochiuri poate fi crescut sau scazut. Apoi, am lucrat modelul dupa schema de mai jos. Schema este prezentata in detaliu si la "punctul crocodil sau solzi de peste"
Ca sa nu am cusaturi  la acest model, am lucrat circular, dupa care, am lucrat fundul gentii si partea de deasupra unde am prins fermoarul,si manerele. Acestea au fost realizate cu ajutorul picioruselor mici (sc).

Crochet pattern by Mioaracrochet
Written in American crochet terms
Finished measurements : 32 cm (12,6 inch);
Yarn used:
- Cotton - (50 gr- 192 m)- Color A for hands, feet and face and other colors (B,C,D) for hair and clothing;
- hook – 2 mm and 2,5 mm;

Stitch library
ch = chain
ch sp(s) = chain space(s)
sl st = slip stitch
sc = single crochet
dc = double crochet
hdc= half double crochet
sk = skip a stitch
sc2tog= single crochet 2 stitches together for decrease
hdc2tog= half double crochet 2 stitches together for decrease
dc2tog= double crochet 2 stitches together for decrease
Join = Join the last stitch of a round to the first stitch, using a slip stitch
** = repeat instructions between asterisks for as long as stated
- V-stitch- 2dc, ch1, 2dc

Working circular, spiral without join the first and last stitch

Use 2,5 mm hook & yarn (A), ch 255 , join  with sl st to form a ring.
Base Instructions:
Row 1 (Foundation): ch 3, dc into last st, *ch 2, skip 2 sts, 2 dc in next st, repeat from * across
 Row 2 (Scale): ch 3, turn, 4 dc down first dc post, ch 1, 5 dc up second dc post, *ch 1, working in next set of posts, 5 dc down first dc post, ch 1, 5 dc up second dc post, repeat from * across
 Row 3 (Foundation): ch 3, turn, dc on top of scale, *ch 2, 2 dc at top of next scale, repeat from * across
 Row 4 (Scale): turn, skip first set of posts, *ch 1, working in next set of posts, 5 dc down first dc post, ch 1, 5 dc up second dc post, repeat from * across.
Begin the handbag.
Ch-255 , join slst.
Row1:ch3, dc in same stitch, sk 2,  “V” stitch= dc, ch2, dc in same stitch* sk 2, “V” stitch*, around , join with slst.
Row2:ch2, work 5dc on first side of “V”, ch1, work 6 dc on the second side of the “V”. One scale complete. *Skip the next “V” stitch and work 6dc down the first side of the next “V”, ch1, work 6dc up the second  side of the same “V” * around, join slst at top of first ch2. Slst twice to get over to the center of the first scale.
Row 3: ch3, dc in same st, “V” stitch in between scales, making sure to catch the top of the “V” stitch of the round behind as well, * “V” stitch in center of next scale, “V” stitch in between scales* around, join sl st.
Row 4: ch2, work 5dc on first side of “V” , ch1, work 6dc on the second side of the “V”. *Skip the next “V” stitch and work 6 dc down the first side of the next “V”, ch1, work 6 dc up the second side of the same “V” * around, join with slst at top of first ch2. Sl st twice to get over to the center of the first scale .
Row 5: Repeat round 3;
Row 6: Repeat round 4;
Repeat rows 5 and 6 several times.
Next row: Sc in center of first scale, sc twice along edge of scale (catching the top of the previous round as well), sc in between scales (catching top of “V” from previous round), * sc twice along edge of next scale, sc in center of scale, sc twice along edge, sc in between scales* around, join with sl st .
Fasten off.
Handbag Band:
1. Fasten on the opposite colour that you finished the base of the purse with.
2. Fasten to the middle of any scale, CH 1 and *2 SC into the CH 2 Gap, SC into the next gap between the two DC's on the line below. Repeat * all the way around, See picture above to help you visualize this step. SL ST to the BEG CH 1.
3. CH 1, SC into each stitch below, all the way around. SL ST to BEG CH at end.
Repeat Step 2 - 3 More Times. Fasten off.
The bottom of the purse will still be left open and we will seal that up after the top of the band is completed first.
Sealing The Bottom of The Bag

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