
duminică, 27 noiembrie 2011

rochita crosetata pentru fetite

Rochita crosetata

spatele rochiei

Dificultate: mediu;
Marimea: 3 - 6 luni, 6 - 12 luni; 36 luni;
Materiale utilizate:
-        -    un fir de bumbac (vezi rochita din imagine care este crosetata din bumbac mercerizat), acril, sau un fir  50% lana si 50% poliamid (la 100 gr – 380 -400 m)- 100 gr. 
-          - croseta nr.2 mm;
-     - un nasture;-
-          -  markere.

-          V-stitch1= lucram in acelasi ochi,1 dc, 1 ochi de lant, 1dc;
-          V-stitch2= lucram in acelasi ochi, 3,4,5,.... dc, 1 ochi de lant,  3,4,5,.... dc;
-     dc= piciorus mare dublu;
-          ch =ochi de lant ;
-          slst = piciorus orb sau alunecat ;
-          R=rand.

Se lucreaza de la gat in jos, dus-intors bustul, apoi, circular, fusta.
Inlocuiti primul piciorus mic al fiecarui rand cu 1 ochi de lant iar atunci cand lucram circular , unim primul ochi de ultimul ochi,  printr-un piciorus orb (slst).

Daca firul este prea subtire, trebuie sa recalculam numarul de ochiuri.
In principiu, adaugam un numar x de ochiuri, egal, la fata , spate si maneci.

Crosetam un lant din 76 (84) ochiuri (fata si spatele - 40 (44 ochiuri, manecile 36 (40)ochiuri), ne intoarcem;

R1:10 (11) dc, V-stitch1, 18 (20) dc, Vstitch1, 20 (22) dc, V-stitch1, 18 (20) dc, V-stitch1, 10 (11) dc;
R2: 11 (12) dc, V-stitch1, 20 (22) dc, Vstitch1, 22 (24) dc, V-stitch1, 20 (22) dc, V-stitch1, 11 (12) dc;
R3: 12 (13) dc, V-stitch1, 22 (24) dc, Vstitch1, 24 (26) dc, V-stitch1, 22 (24) dc, V-stitch1, 12 (13) dc;
R4: 13 (14) dc, V-stitch1, 24 (26) dc, Vstitch1, 26 (28) dc, V-stitch1, 24 (26) dc, V-stitch1, 13 (14) dc;
R5: 14 (15) dc, V-stitch1, 26 (28) dc, Vstitch1, 28 (30) dc, V-stitch1, 26 (28) dc, V-stitch1, 14 (15) dc;
R6: 15 (16) dc, V-stitch1, 28 (30) dc, Vstitch1, 30 (32) dc, V-stitch1, 28 (30) dc, V-stitch1, 15 (16) dc;
R7: 16 (17) dc, V-stitch1, 30 (32) dc, Vstitch1, 32 (34) dc, V-stitch1, 30 (32) dc, V-stitch1, 16 (17) dc;
R8: 17 (18) dc, V-stitch1, 32 (34) dc, Vstitch1, 34 (36) dc, V-stitch1, 32 (34) dc, V-stitch1, 17 (18) dc;
R9:  18 (19) dc, V-stitch1, 34 (36) dc, Vstitch1, 36 (38) dc, V-stitch1, 34 (36) dc, V-stitch1, 18 (19) dc;

R10: *1dc,1 ochi de lant,  sarim 1 ochi, 1dc*, repetam intre pana la sfarsitul randului;

Unim primul si ultimul ochi printr-un piciorus orb.
Incepand cu randul 10,  vom croseta circular, sarind peste ochiurile destinate manecilor,  ochiurile dintre primele doua V-stitch si ultimele 2 V-stitch.

Pliem lucrul in doua si crosetam de la bust in jos, lasand spatiul liber pentru maneci. Practic, unim ochiurile pentru bust, fata si spate iar ochiurile pentru maneci raman in asteptare .
Prin spatiile libere formate (in randul 9) se introduce o funda , care va face o demarcatie intre bust si fusta.
Partea de jos a rochiei, fusta,  se lucreaza, astfel:
R urmator: In fiecare ochi de lant dintre cele 2 dc din randul anterior, vom lucra 1 V-stitch2.
R urmator: In fiecare ochi de lant din cadrul V-stitch2, vom lucra un nou V-stitch2. Repetam pana la sfarsitul randului.

Shell – 2 Dc , ch2, 2 dc) in stitch or space indicated.
Cluster- * yo, insert hook in next dc, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook. Repeat from * 2 times more, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook.

2-Dc Cluster- * yo, insert hook in next dc, yo and pull up a loop, yo and   draw through 2 loops on hook. Repeat from * once more, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

With 3 m size hook, ch 91 loosely .

Row 1(WS): dc in fourth ch from hook , then dc in next 13 chs, ch2, (dc in next 21 chs, ch2) 3 times, dc in last 11 chs.
Row 2(RS): ch3, turn. *Dc in next dc and in each dc across to next ch-2 sp, work Shell in ch-2sp; repeat from * 3 times more, dc in each st across: (105 dc)
Row 3: ch3, turn. * Dc in next dc and in each dc across to next ch-2 sp, work Shell in ch-2 sp. Repeat from * 3 times more, dc in each dc across. (121 dc)
Row 4: (Eyelet row): ch 4, turn.skip next dc, * Dc in next dc, (ch 1, skip next dc, dc in next dc) across to next ch-2 sp, work Shell in ch-2sp; repeat from * 3 times more,( dc in next dc, ch1, skip next dc) 7 times, dc in last 5 dc.
Row 5: ch3, turn. * Dc in each dc and in each ch-1 sp across to next ch-2 sp, work Shell in ch-2 sp. Repeat from * 3 times more, dc in each dc and in each ch-1 sp across working dc in turning ch. . (153 dc)
Rows 6-8: Repeat Row 3, 3 times (201 dc)

Row 9: ch3, turn. * Dc in next dc and in each dc across to next ch-2 sp, 2 dc in ch-2sp, ch 7 loosely, skip next 49 dc (Sleeve), 2 dc in next ch-2 sp. Repeat  from * once more, dc in each dc across. (111 dc)

Fusta (skirt) se croseteaza dupa urmatoarea schema:

2. Rochita crosetata
model preluat dupa un sit rusesc

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