
duminică, 18 decembrie 2011

ciorapi crosetati

- o croseta nr.2 ,
- un  fir din 75 % lana "super wasch" si 25% poliamid ;
- markere.
Crosetam un lant din n ochiuri , cat sa ne cuprinda gamba piciorului (eu am crosetat un lant format din 54 ochiuri).
Crosetam 32 rânduri, dus-intors, circular, in piciorus dublu, (sau dc ) realizam un patent (adică , crosetam un piciorus mare (dc) prin fata lucrului, urmatorul piciorus mare prin spatele lucrului si repetam....pana incheiem randul .
Dupa care, impartim numarul de ochiuri la 2 si vom avea o parte pentru calcai (27 ochiuri) si cealalta parte pentru fata unde vom croseta modelul sosetei (27 ochiuri).
Incepem cu calcaiul.

Lucram 10 randuri, dus-intors,  picioruse mici,  numai portiunea de 27 ochiuri, destinata calcaiului.
Dupa care, impartim numarul de ochiuri la 3 (27:3= 9). Vom avea 3 parti. Se croseteaza numai ochiurile din mijloc, (partea din mijloc) . In acelasi timp se scade spre stanga si dreapta, pana ce ochiurile din stanga si dreapta se scad si raman numai cele din mijloc (9).
Scaderea se face in felul urmator:
Crosetam cele 9 ochiuri din mijloc, apoi, facem un piciorus alunecat (se trece firul prin 2 ochiuri, rezultand unul singur). Celelalte ochiuri (partile laterale) raman asa cum sunt. Ne intoarcem si crosetam iar ochiurile din mijloc iar la finalul celor 9 ochiuri (din partea a doua)  realizam iar un piciorus alunecat si iar ne intorcem repetam...pana crosetam aprox.15 randuri iar ochiurile din partea intai si trei se scad.

-          - 2 ochiuri piciorus alunecat, intoarceti, 1/3 din lungimea randului cate 1 piciorus mic pe fiecare din ochiurile din randul precedent + 2 ochiuri piciorus allunecat pe ultimele 2 ochiuri;
-        -   2 ochiuri piciorus alunecat, intoarceti, 1/3 din lungimea randului cate 1 piciorus mic pe fiecare din ochiurile din randul precedent + 2 ochiuri piciorus allunecat pe ultimele 2 ochiuri;......etc.etc....
-          Se croseteaza 15 randuri pana se formeaza calcaiul.

Putem folosi orice model dorim. In cazul de fata , eu am ales acest model care se va croseta numai in fata, calcaiul si talpa se vor croseta in piciorus simplu.
Continuam in felul acesta pana terminam lungimea sosetei si incepem sa scadem pentru varful sosetei.
-  crosetam 2sctog, 25 sc, 2sctog. 25 sc;
-  crosetam 2sctog, 23 sc, 2sctog. 25 sc;
-  crosetam 2sctog, 21 sc, 2sctog. 25 sc;
-  crosetam 2sctog, 19 sc, 2sctog. 25 sc.

Modelul sosetei


Make 2.
Starting at toe, with smallest size hook, ch2.
Row 1 (RS): In 2nd ch from hook work 8 sc. Join in first sc.
Row 2: Ch1. 2 sc in same sc and in each rem sc; join in first sc = 16 sc.
Row 3: ch3 (counts as a dc), 2 dc in next sc; *dc in next sc, 2 dc in next sc; repeat from * 6 times more; join in 3rd ch of beginning ch-3- 24 dc.
Row 4: ch3,  dc in next 4 dc, 2 dc  in next dc; *dc in next 5 dc, 2 dc in next dc; repeat from *twice more ; join in 3rd ch of begininnig  ch 3- 28 dc.
Note: Remainder of sock is worked in continuous rnds. Do not join , mark beginning of rnds.
Row 5:*sc in next dc, sk next dc, in next dc work (ddc, ch1, dc, ch1, dc) - shell made; skip next dc; rep from * 5 times more, then rep from * to* once; skip next sl st  and first sc - 7 shells; do not join.
Row 6:*sc in 2nd dc of next shell, shell in next sc, ; rep from * 5 times more; sc in 2nd dc of next shell= 6 shells.
Row 7:Shell in next sc, sc in 2nd dc of next shell; rep from * 5 times more ; shell in next sc - 7 shells.
Rnds 8 through 15 : Rep rounds 6 and 7 four times more.
Rnds 16 through 25: rep rnds 6 and 7 five times.
Row 26:*sc in 2nd dc of next shell, in next sc work (dc, ch1) 3 times ;  dc in same  sc - 4 dc shell made ; rep from * 5 times more; sc in 2nd dc of next shell - six 4 dc shells.
Row 27:*4dc shell  in next sc ; sc in 2nd ch1 sp of next shell; rep from * 5 times more; 4dc shell in next sc - seven 4 dc shells. 
Row 28:*sc in 2nd ch1 sp of next shell; 4dc shell in next sc; repeat from * 5 times more ; sc in 2nd ch1 sp of next shell= six 4 dc shells.
Rnds 29 through 42: Rep rnds 27 and 28 seven times more.

Sl st in next sc, ch1, sc in same sc. in each dc. in each ch1 sp and in each sc around; join in first sc - 49 sc.
Finish off and weave in ends.

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