Sa invatam sa crosetam si sa tricotam

Sa invatam sa crosetam si sa tricotam

Crosetatul si tricotatul sunt indeltniciri foarte vechi.

Modelele sunt concepute sau preluate de la batranii nostri si se adreseaza tuturor persoanelor cu experienta in arta crosetatului si tricotatului dar mai ales incepatorilor.


duminică, 12 august 2012

Knitted and Crocheted Hat in Two Colors - Caciula crosetata si tricotata din doua culori

Caciula crosetata si tricotata din doua culori 

 Worked in the round. = Se lucreaza rotund

Crochet tips: Replace the first dc/sc of every row with ch 3/1. Every row ends with 1 sl st in the ch 3/1 at start of previous row. (Sfaturi: Incepem totdeauna randul cu ch3 si incheiem randul cu piciorus alunecat sau orb in ch3 adica unim primul si ultimul ochi din rand printr-un  piciorus orb) 

 Decreasing tips: Crochet together 2 dc as follows: Crochet 1 dc, but do not pull last loop through (leave on hook), crochet the next dc and pull the last loop through all loops on hook. (Sfaturi privind scaderea ochiurilor:crosetam 2 dc impreuna, rezulata un singur dc

 Hat: Ch 4 with larger hook  and join into a ring with 1 sl st in 1st ch. 
 Round 1: 13 dc in ring.
 Round 2: 2 dc in each dc = 26 dc.
 Round 3: * 1 dc in first dc, 2 dc in the next dc *, repeat * - * around row = 39 dc.
 Round 4: 1 dc in each dc = 39 dc.
 Round 5: * 1 dc in each of the 2 first dc, 2 dc in the next dc *, repeat * - * around row = 52 dc.
 Round 6: 1 dc in each dc but inc 3 dc evenly distributed on the row (by crocheting 2 dc in 1 dc) = 55 dc.
 Round 7: * 3 dc, then crochet together the 4th and 5th dc *, repeat * - * = 44 dc.
 Round 8: Change to smaller hook .. Crochet 4 rows sc, decreasing to 40 sc evenly distributed on the 1st row (dec 1 sc by skipping over 1 dc from previous row).

dc= double crochet= piciorus mare dublu
sl st= sleep stitch= piciorus orb sau alunecat
ch= chain= ochi de lant
sc= single crochet = piciorus mic

Headband (Banda din jurul caciulii)
- yarn angora 80%;
- needle 6 mm and crochet hook 4 mm.
- stitch marker
To begin, knit a band of about 14 cm wider. Its length is equal to plus 2 cm head circumference

Pentru inceput, tricotam  o bentita mai lata , de aproximativ  14 cm.

Lungimea ei este egala cu circumferinta capului plus 2 cm.  
With 6 mm needle,  CO=32 sts;
Row 1 (WS): *purl 16 sts; rep from *
Row 2 (RS): *knit 16 sts; rep from *
Row 3: *purl 16 sts; rep from *
Row 4: *knit 8, c8b; rep from *
Row 5: *purl 16 sts; rep from *
Row 6: *knit 16 sts; rep from *
Row 7: *purl 16 sts; rep from *
Row 8: *c8f, knit 8; rep from *
Repeat rows 1-8 for Dual Cable pat st

WS= Wrong Side =spatele lucrului
RS= Right Side= fata lucrului
k= knit= ochi pe fata
p= purl = ochi pe dos
c8b= cable 8 back= luam 4 ochiuri nelucrate si le punem pe un stitch marker, in spatele lucrului, lucram urmatoarele 4 ochiuri pe fata , apoi, luam ochiurile aflate pe stitch marker si le lucram tot cu ochiurile pe fata.
c8f= cable 8 face -  luam 4 ochiuri nelucrate si le punem pe un stitch marker, in fata lucrului, lucram urmatoarele 4 ochiuri pe fata , apoi, luam ochiurile aflate pe stitch marker si le lucram tot cu ochiurile pe fata.