size= marimea 6 luni 1 an (6 months - 1 year)
- yarn 1 ball (50 gr=130 m)
- large buttons = 2 nasturi
- 3 mm hook - croseta 3 mm
ch (chain)= ochi de lant
sl st (slip stitch)= piciorus alunecat
sc (single crochet)= piciorus mic
hdc (half double
crochet)= piciorus mare redus
dc (double crochet)= piciorus mare dublu
sc2tog (single
crochet 2 together)= 2 picioruse mici impreuna
dc2tog (double
crochet 2 together)=
2 picioruse mari duble impreuna
(double crochet 3 together)=
3 picioruse mari duble impreuna
How to Crochet the Back Loop Single Crochet Stitch
sole (talpa):
ch 13 Crosetam un lant din 13 ochiuri, lejer.
row 1- sc in 2nd ch,
sc in next 7 ch, hdc in next 3ch, 7hdc in last ch, finish the rest of the round working
along the back of the chain, hdc 3 in next ch, sc in next 7ch, 4sc in the last/first ch,
sl st to the first sc (32) sc in al doilea ochi, sc in urmatoarele 7 ochiuri, hdc in urmatoarele 3 ochiuri, 7hdc in ultimul ochi, continuam pe partea cealalta a celor 13 ochiuri, si crosetam , hdc in urmatoarele 3 ochiuri, sc in urmatoarele 7 ochiuri, 4sc in ultimul ochi, unim cu primul sc printr-un piciorus alunecat.= 32 picioruse.
row 2- ch1, sc in the first sc, sc in next 9 ch, hdc, (2hdc in next ch) x3 ,
3hdc in next, (2 hdc in next) x 3, hdc, sc in next 10 ch, (2sc in next )x 3, sl st to first sc (43) 1 ochi de lant, sc in primul sc, sc in urmatoarele 9 ochiuri, hdc in urmatorul ochi, (2 hdc in acelasi ochi) x 3, 3hdc in urmatorul ochi, continuam pe partea cealalta si crosetam
(2 hdc in acelasi ochi) x 3, hdc in urmatorul ochi, sc in urmatoarele 10 ochiuri , (2sc in acelasi ochi) x 3,
unim cu primul ochi printr-un piciorus alunecat (slst).= 43 picioruse.
row 3- ch2, hdc in the first sc, hdc in next 11, (2hdc, 1hdc) x 7, hdc in next 11 , 2hdc in next, hdc, (2hdc in next) x 2 , hdc, 2 hdc in next ch, sl st to first hdc (54) 2 ochiuri de lant, hdc in urmatoarele 12 ochiuri, (2hdc in urmatorul ochi, hdc in urmatorul ochi) x 7, hdc in urmatoarele 11 ochiuri, 2hdc in urmatorul ochi, hdc in urmatorul ochi, (2hdc in urmatorul ochi) x2, hdc in urmatorul ochi, 2 hdc in urmatorul ochi,
unim cu primul ochi printr-un piciorus alunecat (slst).= 54 picioruse.
Daca copilul are piciorul mai lat , se croseteaza inca un rand dupa modelul celui anterior.
Cu un fir de culoare contrastanta, crosetam cate un piciorus mic (sc) in fiecare ochi , de jur imprejurul talpii .
shoe (pantoful):
Daca copilul are piciorul mai lat , se croseteaza inca un rand dupa modelul celui anterior.
Cu un fir de culoare contrastanta, crosetam cate un piciorus mic (sc) in fiecare ochi , de jur imprejurul talpii .
shoe (pantoful):
row 4- ch1, working
in back stitches, sc around, sl st to first sc (54) 1 ochi de lant, lucram "in back stitches" sc de jur imprejurul talpii, unim primul si ultimul sc printr-un piciorus alunecat.(54 picioruse mici)
row 7- ch1, sc in same sc, sc 12 times, sc2tog, dc2tog 7
times, sc2tog, sc around, sl st to first sc (45) 1 ochi de lant, sc in primul ochi, sc in urmatoarele 12 sc, 2sc lucrate impreuna,
(2dc lucrate impreuna)x 7,
2sc lucrate impreuna, sc in urmatoarele ochiuri pana la sfarsit, unim primul si ultimul ochi printr-un piciorus alunecat (45 picioruse)
NOTA: marcam varful botoselului si avem grija ca mijlocul modelului sa corespunda cu markerul nostru.
row 8- ch 1, sc in same sc, sc 10 times, sc2tog, dc2tog, dc,
dc3tog, dc, dc2tog, sc2tog, sc around, sl st to first sc (39)
1 ochi de lant, sc in primul ochi, sc in urmatoarele 10 sc, 2sc lucrate impreuna,
2dc lucrate impreuna, 1 dc in urmatorul ochi, 3 dc crosetate impreuna, 1 dc , 2dc lucrate impreuna, 2sc lucrate impreuna, sc in urmatoarele ochiuri pana la sfarsit, unim primul si ultimul ochi printr-un piciorus alunecat (39 picioruse)
row 9- ch 1, sc in same sc, sc 8 times, sc2tog, dc2tog,
dc3tog, dc2tog, sc2tog, sc around, sl st to first sc (33)
1 ochi de lant, sc in primul ochi, sc in urmatoarele 8 sc, 2sc lucrate impreuna,
2dc lucrate impreuna, 3 dc crosetate impreuna, 2dc lucrate impreuna, 2sc lucrate impreuna, sc in urmatoarele ochiuri pana la sfarsit, unim primul si ultimul ochi printr-un piciorus alunecat (33 picioruse)
row 10- ch 1, sc in same sc, sc 6 times, sc2tog, dc, dc3tog,
dc, sc2tog, sc around, sl st to first sc, cut yarn weave in ends. (29)
1 ochi de lant, sc in primul ochi, sc in urmatoarele 6 sc, 2sc lucrate impreuna,
1 dc in urmatorul ochi, 3 dc crosetate impreuna, 1dc in urmatorul ochi, 2sc lucrate impreuna, sc in urmatoarele ochiuri pana la sfarsit, unim primul si ultimul ochi printr-un piciorus alunecat (29 picioruse)
Boot cuff (Manseta):
For the right boot sl st in the 8th stitch from the seam, for the left boot sl st in the 12th stitch from the seam.
For the right boot sl st in the 8th stitch from the seam, for the left boot sl st in the 12th stitch from the seam.
Pentru pantoful drept, slst in urmatoarelel 8 ochiuri, pentru pantoful stang, slst in urmatoarele 12 ochiuri.
Ajungem la mijloc, fatza, dupa care, crosetam un lant din 15 ochiuri.
Ne intoarcem si crosetam cate 1dc in fiecare ochi din randul anterior. Ajungem tot la mijloc , fatza, apoi, ne intoarcem si crosetam cate 1 dc in fiecare dc din randul anterior, pana la ultimele 3 cand sarim 2 ochiuri, si crosetam 2 ochiuri de lant si in ultimul ochi 1dc (aici va fi butoniera).
Ne intoarcem si crosetam ultimul rand:1 ochi de lant, 1sc in primul ochi, *sarim 3 ochiuri, in urmatorul ochi crosetam 5dc, sarim 3 ochiuri, in ochiul urmator 1sc*, repetam intre
Ajungem la mijloc, fatza, dupa care, crosetam un lant din 15 ochiuri.
Ne intoarcem si crosetam cate 1dc in fiecare ochi din randul anterior. Ajungem tot la mijloc , fatza, apoi, ne intoarcem si crosetam cate 1 dc in fiecare dc din randul anterior, pana la ultimele 3 cand sarim 2 ochiuri, si crosetam 2 ochiuri de lant si in ultimul ochi 1dc (aici va fi butoniera).
Ne intoarcem si crosetam ultimul rand:1 ochi de lant, 1sc in primul ochi, *sarim 3 ochiuri, in urmatorul ochi crosetam 5dc, sarim 3 ochiuri, in ochiul urmator 1sc*, repetam intre
row 1- dc in 4th ch from hook -first 3ch counts as first dc,
dc in next 11 ch, dc in first sc (the one you sl st in), dc 24 times (there
will be 4 spaces left), skip 3 spaces, sc in last space. (39)
row 2- ch3 (counts as dc), turn, dc in first dc and around
35 times, ch 1 skip one dc, dc in last 2 (38- with a ch1 space)
row 3- ch3 (counts as dc), turn, dc, dc in ch1 space, dc
around (39)
row 4 scallops (girls)- turn, 5dc in second dc, *skip 1dc,
sc in next dc, skip 1dc, 5dc in next dc*, repeat around (10 shells), sc down
the side (I do 2 for each row so a total of 6 down the side), continuing around
sc across the bottom along the original chain (13), sl st, cut yarn and weave
in ends
row 4 simple (boys)- ch1, turn, sc across top (39), down the
side (6) and across the bottom chain (13), sl st, cut yarn and weave in ends
Baby wrap around boots:
Foarte frumos
RăspundețiȘtergereMa bucur ca te-am gasit. De cateva zile urmaresc filmulete pe Youtube sperand sa invat sa crosetez rapid niste botosei. M-ai limpezit cu totul, ai ordonat si tradus exact cum imi doream. Multumesc!
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc!!In sfarsit mi au iesit asa cum imi doream!😘😘😘