
luni, 16 decembrie 2013

Botosei tricotati, How To Knit (Crochet) Baby Booties

Modelul acestor botosei este preluat dupa urmatorul sit:

Botoseii vizualizati pe sit sunt pentru 0-3 luni iar cei tricotati de mine sunt pentru varste cuprinse intre 3 si 12 luni.
Explicatia acestor botosei:

- andrele de 2.5 mm (needle);
- un  fir pentru tricotarea ciorapilor, din lana 80% (50 gr= 130 m)= yarn

K= knit = ochi pe fata;
P= purl= ochi pe dos;
Kfb= knit in the front and knit in the back of the same stitch,= in acelasi ochi , tricotam 2 ochiuri, unul pe fata, unul pe dos; 
SSK= slip- slip- knit,= tricotam imreuna doua ochiuri de la stanga spre dreapta, rezulta un singur ochi; 
k2tog= knit two together= tricotam imreuna doua ochiuri de la dreapta spre stanga, rezulta un singur ochi;  
sts= stitches = ochi
MC= (Mock Cable) = Slip 3rd st on left hand needle over the 1st 2 sts as if to bind off; then k1, yo, k1­­­­­­­­­­.= sarim doua ochiuri, al treilea ochi il trecem peste cele doua peste care am sarit, apoi le tricotam astfel: primul ochi se tricoteaza pe fata, jeteu , urmatorul ochi se tricoteaza tot pe fata.

Kfb= increase 1 st (in acelasi ochi tricotam 2 ochiuri)
MC  (Mock Cable)= cu acul drept luam al treilea ochi de pe acul stg si il trecem peste primele 2 ochiuri. Din 3 oc rezulta doua  ochiuri, apoi, lucram cele 2 ochiuri astfel: K, jeteu, K.

CO 29 sts pentru 0-3 luni  (33 sts pentru 3-6 luni, 41sts pentru 6-9 luni si 45 sts pentru 12 luni). 
With color A

Row 1 (Wrong Side):k all
Row 2 (Right Side):kfb, k12 (14,18, 20), kfb x 2, k12 ( 14,18, 20 ), kfb, k1. (33(37, 45,49) sts)
Row 3: k 
Row 4: k1, kfb, k12( 14,18, 20 ), kfb, k2, kfb, k12( 14,18, 20 ), kfb, k2. (37 (41, 49, 53)sts)
Row 5:k 
Row 6: k2, kfb, k12( 14,18, 20 ), kfb, k4, kfb, k12( 14,18, 20 ), kfb, k3. (41(45,53, 57) sts)
Row 7:k 
Row 8: k3, kfb, k12( 14,18, 20 ), kfb, k6, kfb, k12( 14,18, 20 ), kfb, k4. (45(49,57, 61) sts)
Row 9:k .
Pt 0-6 luni, taiem firul mai lung si coasem mai tarziu,  cut yarn about 12 ‘’ TO SEW with later.
Pt 6-12 luni, continuam :
Row 10: k4, kfb, k12( 18, 20 ), kfb, k8, kfb, k12( 18, 20 ), kfb, k5. (61, 65) sts)
Row11: k all.
Row 12: k5, kfb, k12( 18, 20 ), kfb, k10, kfb, k12( 18, 20 ), kfb, k6. (65, 69) sts)
Row13: k all.

Change color B, Schimbam culoarea B
Row 10 (pentru 6-12 luni este randul 14):  k2, * (p1, k3), repeat * to last 3 sts , p1, k2.
(Weave in the end at the same time)
Row 11:k3, *(p3, k1), repeat * to last 2 sts, k2.
Row 12: k2, * (p1, MC), repeat * to last 3 sts, p1, k2.
Row 13:k3, * (p3, k1), repeat * to last 2 sts, k2.
Repeat Row 10 to 13 - (1) more time to reach Row 17.(pt 6-12 luni  repetam randurile 10-13 de 2 ori si continuam cu randul 23)

Row 18 (pentru 6-12 luni este randul 23): k2, * (p1, k3) x5 ,p1, k1, SSK x 3 , k1, k2tog x 3 , k1, p1, (k3, p1) x 5 , k2.  
Row 19: k3, (p3, k1) x5 , p9, (k1, p3) x 5 , k3.
Row 20: k2, (p1, MC) x 2 (4), p1, k2, SSK x 3 , k1, k2tog x 3, k2, p1, (MC, p1) x 2 (4), k2.  
Row 21: k3, (p3, k1)x 2 (4), p11, (k1, p3) x 2(4), k3.
Row 22: k2, (p1, k3) x 2(4), p1, k1, SSK x 2, k1, k2tog x 2, k1, p1, (k3, p1) x 2 (4), k2. 
Row 23: k3, (p3, k1)x 2(4), p7, (k1, p3) x 2(4), k3.
Row 24: k2, (p1, MC) x 2 (4), p1, k1, SSK, k1, k2tog, k1, p1, (MC, p1) x 2 (4), k2. 
Row 25: k3, (p3, k1)x 2(4), p5, (k1, p3) x 2(4), k3.
Row 26: k2, (p1, k3) x 2(4), p1, SSK, k1, k2tog, p1, (k3, p1) x 2(4), k2. 
Row 27: k all.
Row 28: k, *yo, k2tog*, repeat between *.
Row 29: k all.
Row 30: Change color A and k all. (Weave in the end at the same time.) Schimbam culoarea firului in A si tricotam cu ochiurile pe fata.
Row 31: k all.
Row 32: Change Color B and k all.  Schimbam culoarea firului in B si tricotam cu ochiurile pe fata.inca 3 randuri, apoi incheiem. Taiem firul mai lung pentru a ne putea permite sa coasem botoselul. 
Bind off very loosely and cut yarn about 12” to sew with.
Fold bootie wrong sides together and sew with yarn needle. Weave in all yarn ends at the wrong side of work  as invisible as possible.
Make a crochet chain about 15” for ankle strap.
Fix on the baby bootie with yarn needle.

Crosetam un snur "I-cord" care se va introduce in spatiile libere din randul 28.

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