
sâmbătă, 10 mai 2014

Pulover tricotat baieti 1-2 ani - Knitting Sweater Boys 12-24 month

Kids wool pullover size chart
1 an/year
2 ani/year
3 ani/year
4-5ani/ year
6 ani/ year
7-8 ani/year

cm / in
cm / in
cm / in
cm / in
cm / in
cm / in
Circumferinta bustului (A)
59 / 23.6
64 / 25.6
68 / 27.2
72 / 28.8
77 / 30.8
81 / 32.4
Lungimea puloverului (B)
20 / 8
22 / 8.8
24 / 9.6
26 / 10.4
28 / 11.2
30 / 12
Lungimea manecii pana la subrat (C)
22 / 8.8
24 / 9.6
26 / 10.4
28 / 11.2
30 / 12
32 / 12.8

- yarn - fire - King Cole Merino Blend DK Wool 300-350 gr (50g approx 112 metres, 100% pure new wool)
- 3 mm and 3,5 - circular knitting needles  (andrele circulare de 3 si 3.5 mm)
- stitch marker;
- marker.
- buttons 5.

K= knit = ochi pe fata;
P= purl= ochi pe dos;
Kfb= knit in the front and knit in the back of the same stitch,= in acelasi ochi , tricotam 2 ochiuri, unul pe fata, unul pe dos; 
SSK= slip- slip- knit,= tricotam imreuna doua ochiuri de la stanga spre dreapta, rezulta un singur ochi; 
k2tog= knit two together= tricotam imreuna doua ochiuri de la dreapta spre stanga, rezulta un singur ochi;  
sts= stitches = ochi
C6BCable 6 back: put next 3 stitches on cable needle at back of work, knit 3, knit the 3 from the cable needle.­­­­­­­­­­.= sarim trei ochiuri pe care le lasam in asteptare pe un stitch marker,in spatele lucrului,  lucram pe fata urmatoarele 3 ochiuri, apoi luam cele 3 ochiuri aflate in asteptare si le lucram tot pe fata. 
C6F1. Slip the next 3 stitches onto the cable needle,
2. Hold the cable needle in front of the work,
3. Knit the next 3 stitches from the left hand needle onto the right hand needle.
4. Then knit the stitches from the cable needle onto the right hand needle.
.= sarim trei ochiuri pe care le lasam in asteptare pe un stitch marker,in fata lucrului,  lucram pe fata urmatoarele 3 ochiuri, apoi luam cele 3 ochiuri aflate in asteptare si le lucram tot pe fata. 
Kfb= increase 1 st (in acelasi ochi tricotam 2 ochiuri)
MC= culoare principala
WS= spatele lucrului
RS= fata lucrului

Cast on 82 stitches by using US#4 (3.5 mm) needle. Montam 82 ochiuri pe ace de 3 mm, lucram gulerul , k1, p1, apoi schimbam andrelele cu cele de 3.5 mm.

Row 1:(WS) *(p1, k1), repeat between*, end with p1.
Row 2:(RS) *(k1, p1), repeat between*, end with k1.
Repeat Row 1 and 2 up to Row 20.
Row 21:(WS) change to US#6 (4 mm) needle.= k8, p10, place marker, p10, place marker, p26, place marker,p10, place marker, p10, k8.
Row 22:Slip all markers from Row 22. (RS) k5, p3, k to last 8 sts, and Kfb before and after markers, p3, k5. (90 sts).
Repeat this increasing method (Kfb before and after markers) to every marker for every right side row.
Row 23:k8, p to last 8 sts, k8.
Row 24:k5, p3, C6B, k to last 14 sts, and Kfb before and after markers, C6B, p3, k5. (98 sts).
Row 25:k8, p to last 8 sts, k8.
Row 26: k5, p3, k to last 8 sts, and Kfb before and after markers, p3, k5. (106 sts).
Row 27: k8, p to last 8 sts, k8.
Row 28: k5, p3, k3, C6F, k to last 17 sts. And Kfb before and after markers, C6F, k3, p3, k5. (114 sts)
Row 29: k8, p to last 8 sts, k8.
Row 30:k5, p3, k12, p1, Kfb before and after markers and knit through last marker, p1, k12, p3, k5, (132 sts).
Row 31: k8, p12, k2, p to last 22 sts, k2, p12, k8.
Row 32: k5, p3, C6B twice, p2, k to last 22 sts,  Kfb before and after markers, p2, C6B, p3, k5, (140 sts).
Row 33:k8, p12, k3, p to last 23 sts, k3, p12, k8.
Row 34: k5, p3, k12, p3, k to last 23 sts, and Kfb before and after markers, p3, k12, p3, k5. (148 sts).
Row 35: k8, p12, k3, p to last 23 sts, k3, p12, k8.
Row 36: k5, p3,k3, C6F twice, k3, p3, k to last 23 sts, and Kfb before and after markers, p3, k3,  C6F, k3, p3, k5, (156 sts).
Row 37: k8, p12, k3, p to last 23 sts, k3, p12, k8.
Row 38: k5, p3, k12, p3, k to last 23 sts, and Kfb before and after markers, p3, k12, p3, k5.(164 sts)
Row 39: k8, p12, k3, p to last 23 sts, k3, p12, k8.
Row 40: k5, p3,C6B twice, p3, k to last 23 sts, and Kfb before and after markers, p3, C6B twice, p3, k2, yo, k2tog, k1. (172 sts). (1st button hole)
Row 41: k8, p12, k3, p to last 23 sts, k3, p12, k8.
Row 42: k5, p3, k12, p3, k to last 23 sts, and Kfb before and after markers, p3, k12, p3, k5.(180 sts)
Row 43: k8, p12, k3, p to last 23 sts, k3, p12, k8.
Row 44: k5, p3, k3, C6F,k3, p3,  k to last 23 sts, and Kfb before and after markers, p3, k3, C6F, k3, p3,  k5.(188 sts)
Repeat Row  37 to Row 44 (2) more times up to Row 60.
For Row 48 and 56 , k5 only for last 5 sts. (Do not make button holes.)
For Row 60, ( k2, yo, k2tog, k1) instead of  (k5) for last 5 sts. ( Make 2nd button hole)
Divide body and sleeves
Row 61: k8, p12, k3, p to first marker, remove marker, place 50 sts on a holder or leftover yarn, remove marker, p to third marker, remove marker , place 50 sts on a holder or leftover yarn, remove marker, p to last 23 sts, k3, p12, k8. (142 sts on the needle).
Row 62: k5, p3, k12, p3, k to last 23 sts, p3, k12, p3, k5.
Row 63: k8, p12, k3, p to last 23 sts, k3, p12, k8.
Row 64: k5, p3, C6B twice, p3, k to last 23 sts, p3, C6B twice, p3, k5.
Row 65: k8, p12, k3, p to last 23 sts, k3, p12, k8.
Row 66: k5, p3, k12, p3, k to last 23 sts, p3, k12, p3, k5.
Row 67: k8, p12, k3, p to last 23 sts, k3, p12, k8.
Row 68: k5, p3, k3, C6F, k3, p3, k to last 23 sts, p3, k3, C6F, k3, p3, k5.
Repeat Row 61 to 68    (6)  more times to reach Row 116.
For Rows 80 and Row 100 , knit ( k2, yo, k2tog, k1) instead of  (k5) for last 5 sts. ( Make 3rd  and 4th  button holes)
Change to US#4 (3.5 mm) needle. Rows 117-119 : k5, *(k2, p2), repeat * to last 5 sts, k5.
Row 120: k5, *(k2, p2), repeat * to last 5 sts, k2, yo, k2tog, k1. (5th  button hole
Rows 121-124: k5, * (k2, p2), repeat * to last 5 sts, k5.
Bind off knitwise to knit sts and purlwise to purl sts.
Pick up stitches from a holder to US#6 (4 mm) three DPNs evenly.
Picking up plus 4 sts from cast on  underarms to avoid any gap. (2 sts on 1st DPN and 2 sts on 3rd DPN)
Tie yarn at the middle of underarm to knit in the round.
Rounds 1-6: k around (54 sts)
Row 7 : SSK, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. (52 sts)
Repeat Round 1 to 7 (6) more times to reach round 49.
There will be total of 40 sts left on the needles.
Change to US#4 (3,5 mm) DPNs. Rounds 50-59 : (K2, p2) around. (40 sts)
Bind off knitwise to knit sts and purlwise to purl sts, weave in the ends and fix five small buttons at the proper places.

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