
joi, 28 august 2014

Pulover Norvegian - Fair Isle Sweather

How to knit icelander pulover adults

- yarn : 
Composition:Genuine Australian wool 94% + Soft Cashmere wool 6%
Color:Red Rustic
Yardage(per skein):280 yards/256m
Quantity:One Skein
Weight:100grams/3.50oz(per skein)
Yarn Weight Group:5-6 stitches per 4.0 inches
Suggested knitting Needles:US Size 3-5(3.25mm-3.75mm)

Gauge: 19sts/10 cm
10cm/26 randuri

Incepem sa tricotam de la gat in jos
Pasii de urmat :
-          CO= 100 sts (2 method: German twisted
Remember to cast on with the smaller needle size listed in the Maren pattern.
Si  Super - Stretchy helper needle cast on
-          Ribbing 3 rows, k1, p1, then....
-          Increase : k7,  (k3, M1)20 times, k7;
-          La sfârșitul rândului unim primul si ultimul ochi pentru a lucra rotund  (primele 2 si ultimele 2 ochiuri din rand se vor lucra pe dos -  aceasta este cusatura Steek )-aici vom posta marker, dacă se dorește.
-          Tricotam platca dupa schema.La finalul schemei , lucrul va avea 440 ochiuri. In continuare, tricotam dus-intors 14 randuri
-          Forma din spate (plasam markerul la mijlocul spatelui, p1, k220, pm , k1, pm,  sfarsitul randului.
-          Work short row as follows
-          1. p1,k 220, slip marker, k1, slip marker, k55, turn work,
-          2. yo, p110, turn work, yo,
-          3. Yo, *k to yo, knit yo with the next  stitch to the left, k6*,  turn,
-          4.  yo, purl to yo, slip yo purlwise, slip following stitch  knitwise, place slipped stitches back on left needle, purl these two stitches together through the back loops, p6, turn work,
-          5. yo, repeat from * 4 more times.
 Resume working in the round until reaaching the stitch before the last yarn over, SSK. Work to end of round.
-          Separate body and sleeves
-         69 ochiuri (partea stanga), 90 ochiuri maneca se pun pe andrele in asteptare, CO 12 ochiuri, 124 ochiuri spatele, CO 12 ochiuri, 90 ochiuri maneca se pun pe andrele in asteptare, 69 ochiuri (fata partea dreapta).TOTAL  466 ochiuri  (fata si spatele= 286 ochiuri).
-         Lucram in st st 186 randuri dupa care,lucram din nou modelul.
-          Manecile= 90 ochiuri + CO 12 ochiuri=102 ochiuri x 2 maneci
-          P1, k76 stitches onto a piece of scrap yarn, cast on 12 stitches, k198, thread the following 76 stitches onto a piece of scrap yarn, cast on 12 stitches, work to end of round.242 stitches on body.Continue working body in the round, maintaining purled stitch at start of round, until work    measures 37 cm. Work hem /sleeve ribbing (see chart) for 9 cm . Bind off.
-          Sleeves (place  sleeve stitches on needles. Join yarn and with right side facing, knit all stitches until reaching underarm cast on. Pick up and knit 14 stitches to complete the round and pm at mid-underarm, i.e. after picking up 7 of the stitches. 90 stitches. Continue working in the round until sleeve measures 15 cm from underarm.
Work decrease round: k to 3 stitches before marker, k2tog, k1, slip marker , k1 SSK. REPEAT decrease round every 4th round a total of 16 times- 58 stitches. Knit until sleeve measures 38 cm.  Work hhem/sleeve ribbing (see chart) for 9 cm. Bind off.  )
-          Work opposite sleeve in the same manner and finish ribbon.
-          Incheiem cu un model : learn to knit a Latvian Braid

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