
sâmbătă, 10 decembrie 2016

Caciula cu urechi , Andrei cap

Aceasta caciula este tricotata dupa modelul:
I Heart Cables
by Justyna Lorkowska

Pattern Instructions

Cast On: Multiple of 16sts
  • Row 1: (right side) k4, C4B, C4F, k4.
  • Row 2: P16.
  • Row 3: k2, C4B, k4, C4F, k2.
  • Row 4: P16.
  • Row 5: C4B, k8, C4F.
  • Row 6: P16.
  • Repeat rows 1-6 until you have reached your desired length.


    Knit Stitch
    Purl Stitch
    Cable Four Front – Slip next 2 sts on needle onto a cable needle and hold in front of work, k2, k2 from cable needle.
    Cable Four Back – Slip next 2 sts on needle onto a cable needle and hold in back of work, k2, k2 from cable needle.

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