spatele rochiei
Dificultate: mediu;
Marimea: 3 - 6 luni, 6 - 12 luni; 36 luni;
- - un
fir de bumbac (vezi rochita din imagine care este crosetata din bumbac mercerizat), acril, sau un fir 50% lana si 50% poliamid (la 100 gr – 380 -400 m)- 100
- croseta nr.2 mm;
- - un nasture;-
- - markere.
lucram in acelasi ochi,1 dc, 1 ochi de lant, 1dc;
lucram in acelasi ochi, 3,4,5,.... dc, 1 ochi de lant, 3,4,5,.... dc;
- dc= piciorus mare dublu;
- dc= piciorus mare dublu;
=ochi de lant ;
= piciorus orb sau alunecat ;
Se lucreaza de la gat in jos, dus-intors bustul, apoi, circular, fusta.
primul piciorus mic al fiecarui rand cu 1 ochi de lant iar atunci cand lucram circular , unim primul ochi de ultimul ochi, printr-un piciorus orb (slst).
Daca firul este prea subtire, trebuie sa recalculam numarul de ochiuri.
In principiu, adaugam un numar x de ochiuri, egal, la fata , spate si maneci.
Crosetam un lant din 76 (84) ochiuri (fata si spatele - 40 (44 ochiuri, manecile 36 (40)ochiuri), ne intoarcem;
R2: 11 (12) dc, V-stitch1, 20 (22) dc, Vstitch1, 22 (24) dc, V-stitch1, 20 (22) dc, V-stitch1, 11 (12) dc;
R3: 12 (13) dc, V-stitch1, 22 (24) dc, Vstitch1, 24 (26) dc, V-stitch1, 22 (24) dc, V-stitch1, 12 (13) dc;
R4: 13 (14) dc, V-stitch1, 24 (26) dc, Vstitch1, 26 (28) dc, V-stitch1, 24 (26) dc, V-stitch1, 13 (14) dc;
R5: 14 (15) dc, V-stitch1, 26 (28) dc, Vstitch1, 28 (30) dc, V-stitch1, 26 (28) dc, V-stitch1, 14 (15) dc;
R6: 15 (16) dc, V-stitch1, 28 (30) dc, Vstitch1, 30 (32) dc, V-stitch1, 28 (30) dc, V-stitch1, 15 (16) dc;
R7: 16 (17) dc, V-stitch1, 30 (32) dc, Vstitch1, 32 (34) dc, V-stitch1, 30 (32) dc, V-stitch1, 16 (17) dc;
R8: 17 (18) dc, V-stitch1, 32 (34) dc, Vstitch1, 34 (36) dc, V-stitch1, 32 (34) dc, V-stitch1, 17 (18) dc;
R9: 18 (19) dc, V-stitch1, 34 (36) dc, Vstitch1, 36 (38) dc, V-stitch1, 34 (36) dc, V-stitch1, 18 (19) dc;
R10: *1dc,1 ochi de lant, sarim 1 ochi, 1dc*, repetam intre pana la sfarsitul randului;
Unim primul si ultimul ochi printr-un piciorus orb.
Incepand cu randul 10, vom croseta circular, sarind peste ochiurile destinate manecilor, ochiurile dintre primele doua V-stitch si ultimele 2 V-stitch.
Prin spatiile libere formate (in randul 9) se introduce o funda , care va face o demarcatie intre bust si fusta.
Partea de jos a rochiei, fusta, se lucreaza, astfel:
R urmator: In fiecare ochi de lant dintre cele 2 dc din randul anterior, vom lucra 1 V-stitch2.
R urmator: In fiecare ochi de lant din cadrul V-stitch2, vom lucra un nou V-stitch2. Repetam pana la sfarsitul randului.
Shell – 2 Dc
, ch2, 2 dc) in stitch or space indicated.
Cluster- *
yo, insert hook in next dc, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops
on hook. Repeat from * 2 times more, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook.
Cluster- * yo, insert hook in next dc, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook. Repeat from *
once more, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook.
With 3 m size hook, ch 91 loosely .
Row 1(WS):
dc in fourth ch from hook , then dc in next 13 chs, ch2, (dc in next 21 chs,
ch2) 3 times, dc in last 11 chs.
Row 2(RS): ch3,
turn. *Dc in next dc and in each dc across to next ch-2 sp, work Shell in
ch-2sp; repeat from * 3 times more, dc in each st across: (105 dc)
Row 3: ch3,
turn. * Dc in next dc and in each dc across to next ch-2 sp, work Shell in ch-2
sp. Repeat from * 3 times more, dc in each dc across. (121 dc)
Row 4:
(Eyelet row): ch 4, turn.skip next dc, * Dc in next dc, (ch 1, skip next dc, dc
in next dc) across to next ch-2 sp, work Shell in ch-2sp; repeat from * 3 times
more,( dc in next dc, ch1, skip next dc) 7 times, dc in last 5 dc.
Row 5: ch3,
turn. * Dc in each dc and in each ch-1 sp across to next ch-2 sp, work Shell in
ch-2 sp. Repeat from * 3 times more, dc in each dc and in each ch-1 sp across
working dc in turning ch. . (153 dc)
Rows 6-8:
Repeat Row 3, 3 times (201 dc)
Row 9: ch3,
turn. * Dc in next dc and in each dc across to next ch-2 sp, 2 dc in ch-2sp, ch
7 loosely, skip next 49 dc (Sleeve), 2 dc in next ch-2 sp. Repeat from * once more, dc in each dc across. (111
Fusta (skirt) se croseteaza dupa urmatoarea schema:
2. Rochita crosetata
model preluat dupa un sit rusesc
Buna, imi place f mult rochita aceasta si as dori sa o fac si eu fetitei mele, care are 3 ani. Ma interesa sa stiu cu ce fir a fost lucrata: bumbac, mohair? Ms
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